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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Saturday, deep mud, wet, blue sky horses were out

 Beautiful day to go over to the barn.

Patti was there working with Siennas hoof, she was not doing good. I was looking at her feet and they were sort of un even. I wonder what is going on with her feet.

Patti uses a blanket that is suppose to sort of soothe a horse when you put it on. I might go look at it and see if it’s something that we should do.

the horses were outside, it was nice out just so muddy and wet. I walked up to the paddock at the top of the hill, I really like that hes up there next to Kayla's horse, Honeybee. 

He is wearing a blanket that Krystyn had, it was dirty but it’s comfortable. I offered to buy it off of Krystyn, she was going to let me know how much. We will see if she texted me back.

As I was walking down from the paddock, Beau sort of is pushy but if I keep him busy and not have a chain on him I keep him occupied, his mind is sharp, he needs to be doing stuff.

Took his dirty blanket off and brushed it out.

Brought him into his stall while Patti was working with Sienna.

Snacks for everyone

In the arena we worked on our exercises and made alot of working on standing at the mounting block.

After a cuple of the times waiting patiently at th e block. we did the last one walking around and as I was stepping down from the block, Beau kicked the block so hard it scared him and he ran quickly around.
I did get to round him a few times on either Saturday or Sunday but the other day he was not as good a listener when I asked him to move around me as a lunge.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Snowy Sunday 30s

 Went grocery shopping 10am  the snow was coming down hard

Patti went over in the morning, gave Beau some snacks. so I did nt see her that day.

The snow came earlier than expected, it was suppose to be later in the day but the ride over at 12 was really slipperty and thes now was sticking.

I went over was not going to stay long, the snow was forecasted to come down hard that aftenrooon.
When I drove over it was pretty slippery and I thought I would just let Beau run around, and I woud do his supplements.

Kristin had Kinsey ready to lunge on those funny lines 

I had 3 lbs bag of apples 🍎 a bag of carrots 🥕 a few oatmeal bars

Here is some of my supplement lay out. I have begun to keep his supplements in a special drawere, in a plasitic zip bag, with little plastic fold over sandwich bags. i put in 2 bars of Irish spring and weighted the drawer with 2 containers of cosequin so I dont have it in my truck.

I gave every horse a snack even the goats, I gave theem the dried apple chips theywere so cute.

In the arena we did some walking but not as much as we did last year. I saw that Beau is a bit of a pushy He was very attentive to doing his exercises. I want to in the future get him back to doing some walking before he does his toutines for backwards, and turns. But while Kristin was putting Kinnsey back after her work out. I walk with him some but he is excelling in listening to me at the mounting block this could really payoff. He doesnt stop excactly the way I want and I saw a youtube training video of havng a pole on the ground or to walk to the wall and then stop.

I can try it next week.

but what he is doing the absolute best is the standing still on the mounting blck.


Besu was cute I took him out after Kristin he was a good follower 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

24 degrees today still windy cold

Sunday was a good day. I was doing lot so f things at home, but still wanted to go over to barn. Beau was good yesterday but oh today he was great.

Krystyn texted me that Beau had gotten his blankets all tangled up today and he ended up peeinng on his plaid blanket.

I have been trying to give Beau a total run down with the curry comb ever the past few weeks. I go from top to bottom and then ask him to give me he leg. Its goig better. He lifts it but Im not comfortable grabbing it because he kicks it.

Also we are goig on the cross ties regularly. I even left him there to go get my cosequin to keep in the drawer in the office.  I last week I put the Irish Spring in the drawer I hope it will keep mice from getting into the drawer and getting into the supplements. Its scary because if the mice poop gets into the food it could get him very sick.

So I onnnly had the left over snacks, peppermint pieces of brown nuggets. pretty small too.

I gave everyone one. I especially love Muke and Dusty but give snacks to the goats too.

So cold out. I didnt bring himoutside becaue they have the gater blocking one side of teh ailse and the other door was jammed shut. 

What he did right!

He round penned so good, ran around and did not charge me silly like

He stood still for a while on the mounting block.

He changed sides when we walked together each time. He did run away or even play iwth Cisco too much.

Stayed on the cross ties w.o complaining or being fresh for a long time.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

19 was the high for the day only for about an hour

Beau was safe in his stall very happy to see me. Just some excerciese, I did not want to take off his 2 blankets because it was just too cold.
Only me and Patti all day.
I did not cross tie him today just in the arena, He was sort of not too energitic. He did all of this excersises and must have stepped back around 100 times, annd we are back on our turns. He now has been staying on the correct side of me as we walk just when I ask him to move.
He rolled he pooped he rolled 3 times as usual. The I felt like, maybe he wants to go on the lungeline, well we walked and he wuld not go into the trot or walk really at all. I followed him around he only went as a walk. We did do about 4 circles ad then with a terrible pull he took off with the lunge lines blaring behid him. I was mad. But I did not do anythnig. i really felt like I did something worng to have him respond. I want to, always leave on a good note but he sort of stoppe dall of the training with his bad behavoior.


Monday, January 15, 2024

Sunday - little colder and snowed on the way home


It was cold again windy too. When I got there Beau was already in, Patti brings him in when she needs to bring in Sienna. Sienna was still getting 

  • I brought some irish spring to put in the drawer to help make sure that there is no mice getting ito his supplements
  • I had a headache, a neck ache, a pelvis ache too. Wasnt very positive I could do anything
  • Had no sleep on Sat night but did watch 2 great videos from Dr Hicks a natural horsemanship vet from years ago.
    • 1970s -