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Saturday, January 6, 2024

Big snow tonight, Beau was a gentleman

 Went over to the barn around 1pm to to just check in with Beau, Sienna and Patti.
had to get ready for Chase at 4pm so I did lots of chores first and checked in with Patti to see how she was, if she was home fro Waltham, she was doing soem chorses and was going over later.

Proud of his patience, pickng up his feet, being good while walking, kissing me through the bars, kissing me as I do his feet basically being a good friend.

had tons of apples because bob said that they had buises, they looked pretty good so lucky horses.

I went into the barn and made sure that my big boy Muke had his apple, hes such a sweet boy, an apple. He makes the sweetest faces. He even took a cookie from me.

I brought the apples up gave one to everyone almost. Joliet, Spicey, Kinsey, August, I had to throw one to Peanut because his paddock was so crappy that I think he was not going near the edges becuase the mud had frozen and it was terrible footing. I throw it over to his hay, he saw it and went over.

For once, Joliet did not lunge at Spicey when I gave her an apple. I took a picture of her i was so happy.

The new horse, so pretty, her water was frozen solid and there were big poops on the top froaen in I felt bad for her. I gave her an apple too.

The new mare is so sweet at the end of the day she was just so precious, we dumped out her water barrel with the poop frozen hard into the bucket shape.

Both Patti and I grabbed a bucket of water and brought it her.

it was so funny we were so worried about the horses and whether we should bring Sienna in and Joliet snuck out.

I brought the pitch fork up toclean out the paddock and the poops were pretty frozon to the ground. I was only able to move 3 of them.

I took off the blanket and brushed Beauout. He doesnt like it. So many years giving Suke a spa treatment, Beau doen not like the attenntion or the adoration. he seems to have pretty sinsitive skin. 

He picked up 2 of his feet to day. i gave him a treat. He really was an excellent boy.

Dusty was next to him, they moved the pen up next to Beau. I think that Beau wasnt as happy about it, hes moved away from the gate maybe because Dusty is right at the end.

As I brushed him and took him out of the paddock, he was a gentleman walking, listening to me as I had him do his exercises. He was better than anytime I have ever wwalked him down the path. There was no grass to steal and his little girlfriend, he didnt jump arounnd like a jerk.

At the nd of the day, after BEau was in the stall, and I was cleaning up put his blanket back on and, got Duke's beautiful blanket, the Irish one, blue stripes,for when it gets colder on Monday. 

Beau is so cute, he sticks his nose in the bars and I give him a kiss, he wiggles his nose. Its really cute, then he licks me.

Before I lelft I remembered to check on the supplements, sure enough they were low only 4 left so I went out to my truck with the bags and opened the hitch and strte4d to fill soem bags, when as I was doing that a strange diesel truck was pulling up as I was getting ready to go out, there were parked close to the paddocks and then Spicey started going crazy. Me and Patti didnt know what was going on, the guys drove back into the horse area it was weird, he drove his truck behind the barn and then around and drove out an dparked at the tralers. 
Krystyn drove in quick and she ran out, she told us that Joliet had escaped and we culdnt think of how. She snuck out from the paddock edge and took off.

the man in the truck was helping he lived at the trailder.

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