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Friday, December 29, 2023

Friday before New Years Dr Katz

  • 930 appt, I worked from home and thenn went to the barn, He was with Cisco for a while wile I exercised Beau doing soem light work. Beaudid not run around at all just relaxed and rolled, we did our exercises, with the bandana. He listens so well. Its pretty exciting.

  • I had to stop at the quick mart on Heart pond to get soem cash for xmas tip and also some snacks like oatmeal and also juice for me.
  • I wanted to take him in his cross tie spot and not in the other ailse where cisco was so I brought him over after we did our workouts inn the arena

  • Doc Katz always workth the visit.
  • He did his thing and asked about his hoofs, I kinda hate that they are doing the stalls as we are getting our horses done.
  • Kristie was second Kristin at 8am, June at 9am and me at 930.
  • I woke up worked on the AARO project did the accessibilty and then went over to the barn.
  • Watched as Dr Katz took care of Beau and Beau practically smiled as he worked on him.
  • He really likes Beau and said he looks good and feels good
  • It raiing hard and has been for days. The dampness is all the way to the bone.

  • Big take away today, I told him that I was having issues picking up his feet. everytime I see him pick up his feet he kicks out in an almost dangersous way that makes me feel uncomfortable. So I asked Dr katz about how or why he does that kicking to the side.
  • katz said that it is some strange reflex that is not intentional, he does not mean to be tricky and not tryingn to hurt me.
  • So because he is most likely having soem issues with his artheritis of the hip.
  • So I saw that he tries to pick up his foot but then needs to pull the leg back to stretch toward te outside, then he pulls his leg inn again and is coorperative. Then Katz tucks his leg.

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Poor Beau he’s got an abscess limping


Left front really swollen it’s in the forties but he’s in can barely walk

I got Dave in the line in the am he’ll be out Tues day after Christmas but until then Bute fir Paine

I started with the abscess treatment, got rosin salts the orange stuff and done sugar

No way was Beau getting his foot in thete

I had some plans to get his foot warmed and soft

It was slow going I was going to use his stall my wet towel and then he coyjd stand on the warm wet towel

June showed up. I told her what was going on and she said she’d like to take a look at it. She brought some of her Ferrier Farrier stuff over. She said you have to use the chain which is good. We didn’t put them in cross ties I just made sure the door was closed cause I knew he’d try to bolt he was tense, she got in there she scraped it she found the abscess on the heel was very spongy and she showed it to me and then she took care of it. 

MWhen I got the duct tape ready showed me a lot of method to take care of it she wrapped it up she let me use , she put the duct tape in a web got the diaper for the to go over the Krystyn showed up. She didn’t

 want to use the diaper but she used it. Kristin and she took care of black tape wrapped and he was happy as a got back in the store , I’m really glad she was there. She taught me a lot of stuff and tonight I bought it all about the pad. I bought the puff wraps some of the stuff.  

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Sienna yelling at Beau

Ground Work Slow down stop and Standing Still


Standing Still

Slowing down and stoppign your horse

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Tuesday getting over for the first time

 Got home from work, made supper really quick, left over steak with stir fried veggies and some chinese food from Robs Biday party last night. it was really good.

The drive over was very nice, in the 40s, dark headed over around 7pm. i had made all of the supplement bags at home, and grabbed the apples and some oatmeal bars.

it was so dark driving into the barn, i agreed with myself that i would park in the front of the barn and keep th elights on truck running. That way i could just jump into a warm truck


Monday, December 11, 2023

Only one day this weekend

 I am so busy trying to get things in order for Christmas, organizing the downstairs so that we can get a christmes tree downstairs.

Pattie had said she didn’t ride in the arena that day but did on Saturday

Both Kristie and Kristin said that Beau was fresh when coming in Oattie said that Kristen had told her

I didn’t waste time when Kristie got there to ask her more details about his actions. Patti said that she was over reacting.

I thought it was unfounded, and then I remembered how he was staring at the new horse

When I walked by when I brought him in and took him back out, he also stopped and it wasn’t about hay like Kristie said it was it was he wanted to show how mighty he was or I could see he wanted to look like he was bringing me down instead of I was bringing him down so I gave Kristie advice to if to just keep the pressure on when he goes by and I guess next time I bring them down I don’t know maybe let them go over there or something I don’t know I know he’s taking off on me before because one of the mayors was in heat, so he seems to have  a guy thing even though he’s a gilding it was funny because I thought it was totally unfounded. I thought Kristie is just doesn’t understand but that I heard that not just Kristie but Krystyn also so Kristin I trust and Krystyn Sampson didn’t have any clue to that so anyways he’s crushing on the new horse  I gotta go next week and deworm him and then do his medicine supplements 🐎 . 

Kristie came later

Finally got over to the barn, 

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Saturday and Sunday visit

 Saturday was good, the weather was ok and Beau was outside, I was able to get him, take off his blanket and let him roll in the arena. I took him to walk, many days he is just very pushy. Give me a feeling that he will jump and take off. Becuase this has only happened a few times to me, I just dont have the experence to stop a race horse. I knew I was buying a race horse so, its all me.

Well we worked out in arena, did a little bit of running, rolled. 2 times and we did our playing around with the bandana. ahes good.

Saturday was a good day, bit cloudy and cool, the sun popped out for awhile and we were able to play outside. Thr hroses will all out enjoying the day. After working out on in arena with Beau, out he went and he was happy to go. Gazing into his little friend eyes as we walked back to the paddock.

Below are Spicey and Joliet the sweet mares that are in the mare pen.

Below is the lady horse that is new to Greenwood that Beau has. a crush on, when we were walking up the hill, Beau started to high step like Duke used to do and stalled me walking. He made me have to turn him around a few times.  He was so involved in this little mare watching his majestic self walk up the hill.
Here is a picture of Beau, watching his little crush across the paddocts.

He was pretty easy to get out, he didnt even graze too much when we were walking down to path at the paddocks to the barn.

I walked around a bit before going in for a stretch. Kristie was walking around with her horse so I didnt want to get too close. We went into the arena to walk, turn do back ups and run a bit. He did that crazy racy horse run that scares me to stretch his legs. On Sunday he was more cuddly and did his    bandana pick ups with lots of successes.

So proud to stand at the board. he picked up the board last week or the week before and just stood there after it fell to the ground. He didnt run or take off but he waited for me to respond, I walked over as he sat quietly and put the board back up and went to the arena to play our games with the bandanas. Thout it!

This is the blanket that Patti bought Beau. He needed a bit warmer blanket med weight.
hes rather proud of how he looks.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Beau going to train - May to Whitmores with Lynn and August

On weekend, Patti told me she was talking to Lynn about her horse, August. She said that she was going to try to wokr uut sojme training with Pete Whitmore Its a Pleasure Training.

At first I have been thinking that I would go to Orange, to thier farm for several weeks. I have been thinking about it since talking to Pete at Equine Affaire Nov 10th.

Little Willy - August's colt 6 or so years ago

I was trying to imagine how it would be that Beau would be picked up on the weekend by Pete's father, loaded on the trailer out to the barn in Orange. I guess I would follow behind, pay the 1800 for the week. 
Lynn has sent her horses to Pete 6 years ago, he trained August some and then had the little colt from August. She said that the little one was with Pete for 2 years and then he helped her sell him. She was very happy with all of the work with her horses.

She said that she was intersted and that she would contact Jess Whitmore to see if we could get into the schedule. We were thinking March/April 2024. I said I agreed too, that that Beau would be really helped by going with August, she is the next door, in her stall next to Beau. I give her tons of snacks, so she knows me.

Well Lynn has a trailer and would drive us out.
Lynn texted me today, she contacted Jess and looked into the schedule.  Jess said that there would be openings in May. Lynn said that she is going to work it out that we go a few weeks in a row, Drive out to Orange take 2 hour lesssions and turn around home.   

Thanksgiving weekend 2 days

Shorter visit, time for blankets

Monday, November 13, 2023

Equine Affaire 2023, Valerie was great

 Great year with Valerie, hard to believe she is so young but strives to walk all the time.

Val walked 5.6 miles on Friday and 1.5 miles to the Dr Sueess museum on Saturday then slept the whole way home, plus had skating on Sat later in the day.

Visit sore front foot/crack'd too Sunday, 4 November

 I had a not as productive day when Patti was ill, she did not come into the barn and I had thought I would work with my horse successfully. 

Well it didnt really work, When I got him into the arena, he really seemed off, I had ended up stopping because I could tell he was just irrated, possibly in some sort of pain tellng me know by acting up.

I looked at his hoof, its cracked, I thought that his feet may be painful, its funny because I actually intend to ride many times when I go over but then I assess him, his attitudes, his interactions, time left of day, weather (if its changed or became colder etc) they act up, then there is this thing, they act out.

Well looking at this foot, I saw that his hoof was cracked, the previous owner said, "His feet have always been a problem". Well I called Dave well I texted him and he came over last week, trimmed and found that he had a rock in his foot, I am disappointed that I cant get him to feel like working out with me, except in our ground work.

Ill keep doing that and who knows we can get there together. <3

Took Sienna in too

Sunday, October 22, 2023

POURING RAIN, and they had the huge caterpiller banging out the back of barn

 Great day, Saturday, pouring rain but Beau did it all so nicely round pen, stretched, rolled and then tacked up and even his bit in for about 40 minutes. He went over to the stairs and we almost did the quick ride.  But, I was thinking taht the environment was just to tricky, Pattyu was home and I was along all afternoon. Just Beau and Me it was really great. We tried a new way of working out.

I sent up the pole circle the same as he worked out with Joe his old owner. Its so exciting.

We walked around together and he was very good at it. I can imagine that we will be able to work out iwth it.

I even worked out with Sienna but she didnt want to go out of her stall at first, then I put her in the arena shse sort of just tried to flirt with Cisico. She sort of just stood there, in the arena. Then I got her, in the arena she did nothing then, I brought her gently to the aisle and walked toward her stall stepped near it, I 
