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Monday, May 30, 2011

Hershey was hot today

These two pics show the 2 tough guys, Domino and Hershey the biggest horses at Bobby's. I like the shot because I think Hershey likes Domino even though Domino is pushy and huge.
Today our ride was pretty good. We camped at Bourne Scenic park and I came home just for a sweet horse ride. On the ride, besides the extra riders on the trot ride, a few of the trots were kinda slow or cut off short. I was just happy to be out in semi summer weather and riding. I wasnt sure which horse, to ride today but when Hershey came up next and the other riders sheiked with his size as "He's Huge", I knew it would be good to ride him. It looks as though I may fall in love with his big horse style and ways. Today he was very annoyed with the bugs and the sudden heat. I felt for the team going out this afternoon the 12 ride. They were sweating and Im not sure they got enough water, how much is enough anyway.
He rode like a dream, I think my stirrups were belted tighter than the last time and it was a perfect ride. I may want a lesson on Wednesday. I love to ride him now. Its official hes my current favorite. Also I was lovin Duke. I didnt take pics today but Im going to make sure that I get a real good one up here for my boy, Hershey. Later this week Im going to see if I can get a Wednesday lesson. I miss him already and he reminds me of Smokey with his guy charm and "do it my way" style. Next post may be about my girl Gwendolyn and the flying goat that Bobby has in the barn.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hershey and Blue 9am today

This Saturday was a very nice visit to the farm. We for the first time left Billerica at 820am. This is pretty cool we were going for the first ride of the day. I had been looking forward to it all week. For the past few visits to the farm there was a little girl with her father and she would ride one ride and hope back on the horse for an additional ride. This time she was the only other rider with Colleen and I. It did cause a problem that I will explain at the end.
Look see the pic of my friend Colleen with a horse she will need to identify. Smokey?
When I got there Hershey was the horse that Sheila had chosen for me. It was funny for me today. He was his self. He actually got mad and did that thing where you take her foot and act like a bull. Man he was so cute. Young Bobby spoke with him and took him by the bridle and steered him into the form for the ride. Funny little Hershey. Later I need to let the little girl go ahead of me because she needed to be watched. I pulled Hershey around and he listened so good. I loved him for the ride today. I let him have some grass after a while of him listening to me during the ride and not stealing to much grass. He is a cutie. I cant wait to ride again.
Colleen and I stayed late and went over to the fielf where so many of the horses are sometimes kept. We used our camera's to get some video. The horses over there were so sweet. Especially the horse named "Sargent". He missed his friends the lady who takes care of the horses said. I dont know her name but I will find out and include her name as soon as I remember it. Today, no Gwendolyn, I missed her but I had to get home. Like I said GREAT RIDE. Colleen took a couple of pics of me that were pretty good.
--The little girl's problem: she rides Pixie with the reins on pulled up with "her brakes on", Im not sure that Pixie knows what to do. The guide spent quite a bit of time trying to get her to let the horse ride and she was sending little Pixie mixed information and the little horse listened and tried to do what she said but she's telling her to not go, then flipping the reins to get her to go. Anyway it was too bad for Colleen and I that all this was slowing down the trots and the whole ride.--

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bobby of Bobby's Ranch

Its been a tough year, but coming to Bobby's Ranch has helped me feel better and to heal. I think it is the way the horses and the guides seem happy. The owner and the family have a great outlook and also take great care of the animals. I love the farm and when I am there I feel like I did when I was a child on the farm except it is better as an adult because I am able to ride horses and interact with the animals when ever I want or need. I thank Bobby for his great attitude.
He is big man. He represents a love for animals that is a passion and a daily focus. He and the teams everyday activities are caring and nurturing. When he talks about animals it makes me have faith in the world and that people's hearts are strong and good. He is proud to be a farmer and a steward for the land and the people like himself that care for living things with respect. Not a money sickness. A humble man. A man I respect greatly. The children and young people that come to Bobby's grow a love for nature, working together, respect for others and team work that many professions are lacking. I can say that having a position on Bobby's ranch as a guide and a ranch hand is a resume piece. The experience makes for a finer human being.

Got this off Facebook. Its called Bobby 1989 July 4th.  Says enough.  Wow how cool it must have been.

Saturday Ride with Duke, Colleen, Tacoma, Sheila, Jewel and me.

Duke with Bobby ready to eat with the other horses. See Maggie behind Bobby helping with the herd?
DGreat ride today. Sheila and the guides had a huge amount on the afternoon rides. Colleen managed to get us in on a 4pm. There were lots of children 2 teethered horses. Sheila took us out in front and we had a wonderful ride. She is the best, while we ride we learn so much from her. She is my preferred guide. The woods were beautiful. Bobby's Ranch and the Westford, Littleton, Acton woods are still looking natural. There were a few people fishing and a boat in the lake. I feel that maybe my leg adjustments were to lose. When Duke trotted I was feeling that I hadnt enough pull on my heels not matter how I kept my forms. Duke made me laugh as we trotted through the woods, the trails and around the lake. I like to ride him he is a tough guy. today the grass was finally long enough to eat so the horses were really trying hard to get pieces of the delicious green leaves. Great ride today, I feel that we trotted so much that we arrived back at the gate way before the other riders. Another great ride. I dont thing we are taking a lesson this week but we'll be in for next Saturday and then we can go next Wednesday after we save some money. :) The pictures are of Duke getting supper behind the barn and of Duke, Colleen, Jewel, Sheila and Tacoma.
Ok I almost forgot, while Colleen and Jewel were in front of me during the ride, Duke would ride close to Jewel and rest his head on her rump. She never seemed to mind. I find it so funny how the horses try to get along. She seemed like she wanted him to itch her.

2nd Lesson and it was something special - Oreo

Our second lesson was more exciting than I had anticipated. I was early and this time Colleen, would be joining me at the Farm. I was early so I was able to spend time with Gwendolyn, watch the lesson before and spend lots of time with the four horses that Sheila our guide had chosen for us. It was going to be exciting because I didnt know which horse would be the one that I would be riding. The four horses were, Pixie, Tulsa, Oreo and Andy. I thought for sure that Colleen would get Andy because she always talks about how pretty he is. Sheila took a break to make a phone call and I was alone with the horses. I went down to each one of them and talked to them. I spent the most time with Oreo and Tulsa. Pixie seemed a little depressed. I think that sitting tied to a post is boring.

Well Colleen arrived and we started the lesson. Sheila gave the technique again to Colleen about getting on again. She did good this week. Then when it was my turn, I couldnt do it again. Conor's mother said that it was because she was showing us the techique and telling us the method differently. Well I get it now and I should be getting on next week. I was in the wrong position when the final jump to get on. My foot will actually push against the horses side not swing out like I was doing.

So the lesson was great! Colleen had Tulsa and I was surprised. I was given Oreo. I wasnt disappointed really because he is considered lazy and very bumpy ride where riders lose their form.

Surprise, I was able to ride better than ever. I kept him straight, he listened and Sheila was surprised how great we both did. She said that Oreo trotted better and I was looking great in the saddle regardless of the bumpy Oreo. He was great and I had best ride/trot I have ever had. Great Lesson.

Oh yeah, when Oreo is going to trot, after he gets the signals, of voice, body (lower leg tighting on his side and a small kick to the side), He rears up in the air to begin. It is shocking how he actually jumps up with the front of his body way up. I was holding on with all my power. It thrilled me with excitment. Very cool little horse. I may be riding him more often.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Colleen's Birthday and riding - Duke

This Saturday was Colleen's Birthday. This worked out just about perfect. When we got to the farm the field was packed with cars and literally no parking space for us except up the front where the horses cross almost. Colleen pulled in and we asked Bobby Jr if that was ok. They were all happy because business was huge. Event and adventures was there today. They had a ton of older woman all waiting on the next ride and out on the current one. Colleen and I had already stopped and talked with Gwendolyn so we were feeling pretty good. There were so many people and so many horses it was confusing. Sheila asked Colleen to hold the gate to help the loading of all the people. She was thrilled. I'll upload a picture soon. She looked like a farm hand, Just like she would have wanted. Well I didnt want to get picky with my horse today so Amanda picked Duke for me. He's big and aggressive. He wanted to run the whole time. We had a wonderful ride. We trotted 5 times and Duke did more than that. He didnt like how the guide from behind the ride came up to Sheila and rode in front. He was the most aggressive horse I have ever been on. I had to hold him back he wanted to run ahead of all the horse guides. This excited me to no end. He gave me a great ride and he's a big horse too. Colleen said Ilooked like a guide up front. I found that being more familiar with the horses has made my confidance grow. We played mini golf at the ice cream place then I went with her to her school and then I went home and got sick. Wonderful birthday for her. Great ride with my new BF Duke. :) I'll get a pic of my horse buddy soon.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Zues the largest horse in US

In Oct 2010 we took a ride to Castle in the Clouds. There are stables where Zues was a guest for the summer. He is so large that he doesnt have a saddle. The special place in the barn was very large. I really enjoyed visiting him but as he stepped I realized he was so powerful that he could accidently crushed me and he may not even realize it.
But I have to share the info that his personality when I was with him was so nice and he was very gentle. I felt like I was in the presence of a strong but gentle and sweet being.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Tulsa is the first horse that I have ridden that has ta
ught me to communicate with her using my body and voice very subtle movements. One day when I was on a ride, I accidently moved my foot to her side, she shot off and started to trot. The guides told me that I had told her to go. I was so blown away that a small movement like that could communicate to her. Whenever I rode her the guides would tell me that Tulsa was "sensitive" to riders. That means she doesnt need to be kicked

to get going. Now Blue or Oreo sometimes will need some extra work to keep on the trail trotting at a fast pace where Tulsa will trot on cue She also will slow down to the word, hoe or woah. She also sometimes will slow down to the movement of leaning backwards. I cant wait to ride her again. This week Im busy and cant make it to a Wednesday lesson. Im disappointed but its going to be great next Wednesday. Colleen and I are on

for Saturday afternoon. Its Colleens Birthday so Im excited.

1st horseback riding lesson this week - Hershey

Above is a picture of Hershey the draft horse from Bobby's Ranch.
Its been years since the days with the Girl Scouts and Roseland Ranch. But I have taken my first horseback riding lesson. Bobby from the ranch asked me if I learned anything. I learned alot. I rode Hershey a large draft horse. The largest horse I have ever rode. He was his own man. My favorite horse at the ranch, Tulsa was the lead. Colleen and myself were the only ones having a lesson. Sheila has been our guide now for about 2 years and now she is our teacher. Colleen and myself have been coming on and off to Bobby's Ranch in Westford for about 2 years. This year we rode up until the snow a few times into Dec and then the snow this year 2011 was too fierce and the Ranch was closed.