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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bobby of Bobby's Ranch

Its been a tough year, but coming to Bobby's Ranch has helped me feel better and to heal. I think it is the way the horses and the guides seem happy. The owner and the family have a great outlook and also take great care of the animals. I love the farm and when I am there I feel like I did when I was a child on the farm except it is better as an adult because I am able to ride horses and interact with the animals when ever I want or need. I thank Bobby for his great attitude.
He is big man. He represents a love for animals that is a passion and a daily focus. He and the teams everyday activities are caring and nurturing. When he talks about animals it makes me have faith in the world and that people's hearts are strong and good. He is proud to be a farmer and a steward for the land and the people like himself that care for living things with respect. Not a money sickness. A humble man. A man I respect greatly. The children and young people that come to Bobby's grow a love for nature, working together, respect for others and team work that many professions are lacking. I can say that having a position on Bobby's ranch as a guide and a ranch hand is a resume piece. The experience makes for a finer human being.

Got this off Facebook. Its called Bobby 1989 July 4th.  Says enough.  Wow how cool it must have been.

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