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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Ride with Duke, Colleen, Tacoma, Sheila, Jewel and me.

Duke with Bobby ready to eat with the other horses. See Maggie behind Bobby helping with the herd?
DGreat ride today. Sheila and the guides had a huge amount on the afternoon rides. Colleen managed to get us in on a 4pm. There were lots of children 2 teethered horses. Sheila took us out in front and we had a wonderful ride. She is the best, while we ride we learn so much from her. She is my preferred guide. The woods were beautiful. Bobby's Ranch and the Westford, Littleton, Acton woods are still looking natural. There were a few people fishing and a boat in the lake. I feel that maybe my leg adjustments were to lose. When Duke trotted I was feeling that I hadnt enough pull on my heels not matter how I kept my forms. Duke made me laugh as we trotted through the woods, the trails and around the lake. I like to ride him he is a tough guy. today the grass was finally long enough to eat so the horses were really trying hard to get pieces of the delicious green leaves. Great ride today, I feel that we trotted so much that we arrived back at the gate way before the other riders. Another great ride. I dont thing we are taking a lesson this week but we'll be in for next Saturday and then we can go next Wednesday after we save some money. :) The pictures are of Duke getting supper behind the barn and of Duke, Colleen, Jewel, Sheila and Tacoma.
Ok I almost forgot, while Colleen and Jewel were in front of me during the ride, Duke would ride close to Jewel and rest his head on her rump. She never seemed to mind. I find it so funny how the horses try to get along. She seemed like she wanted him to itch her.

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