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Saturday, May 14, 2011

2nd Lesson and it was something special - Oreo

Our second lesson was more exciting than I had anticipated. I was early and this time Colleen, would be joining me at the Farm. I was early so I was able to spend time with Gwendolyn, watch the lesson before and spend lots of time with the four horses that Sheila our guide had chosen for us. It was going to be exciting because I didnt know which horse would be the one that I would be riding. The four horses were, Pixie, Tulsa, Oreo and Andy. I thought for sure that Colleen would get Andy because she always talks about how pretty he is. Sheila took a break to make a phone call and I was alone with the horses. I went down to each one of them and talked to them. I spent the most time with Oreo and Tulsa. Pixie seemed a little depressed. I think that sitting tied to a post is boring.

Well Colleen arrived and we started the lesson. Sheila gave the technique again to Colleen about getting on again. She did good this week. Then when it was my turn, I couldnt do it again. Conor's mother said that it was because she was showing us the techique and telling us the method differently. Well I get it now and I should be getting on next week. I was in the wrong position when the final jump to get on. My foot will actually push against the horses side not swing out like I was doing.

So the lesson was great! Colleen had Tulsa and I was surprised. I was given Oreo. I wasnt disappointed really because he is considered lazy and very bumpy ride where riders lose their form.

Surprise, I was able to ride better than ever. I kept him straight, he listened and Sheila was surprised how great we both did. She said that Oreo trotted better and I was looking great in the saddle regardless of the bumpy Oreo. He was great and I had best ride/trot I have ever had. Great Lesson.

Oh yeah, when Oreo is going to trot, after he gets the signals, of voice, body (lower leg tighting on his side and a small kick to the side), He rears up in the air to begin. It is shocking how he actually jumps up with the front of his body way up. I was holding on with all my power. It thrilled me with excitment. Very cool little horse. I may be riding him more often.

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