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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hershey and Blue 9am today

This Saturday was a very nice visit to the farm. We for the first time left Billerica at 820am. This is pretty cool we were going for the first ride of the day. I had been looking forward to it all week. For the past few visits to the farm there was a little girl with her father and she would ride one ride and hope back on the horse for an additional ride. This time she was the only other rider with Colleen and I. It did cause a problem that I will explain at the end.
Look see the pic of my friend Colleen with a horse she will need to identify. Smokey?
When I got there Hershey was the horse that Sheila had chosen for me. It was funny for me today. He was his self. He actually got mad and did that thing where you take her foot and act like a bull. Man he was so cute. Young Bobby spoke with him and took him by the bridle and steered him into the form for the ride. Funny little Hershey. Later I need to let the little girl go ahead of me because she needed to be watched. I pulled Hershey around and he listened so good. I loved him for the ride today. I let him have some grass after a while of him listening to me during the ride and not stealing to much grass. He is a cutie. I cant wait to ride again.
Colleen and I stayed late and went over to the fielf where so many of the horses are sometimes kept. We used our camera's to get some video. The horses over there were so sweet. Especially the horse named "Sargent". He missed his friends the lady who takes care of the horses said. I dont know her name but I will find out and include her name as soon as I remember it. Today, no Gwendolyn, I missed her but I had to get home. Like I said GREAT RIDE. Colleen took a couple of pics of me that were pretty good.
--The little girl's problem: she rides Pixie with the reins on pulled up with "her brakes on", Im not sure that Pixie knows what to do. The guide spent quite a bit of time trying to get her to let the horse ride and she was sending little Pixie mixed information and the little horse listened and tried to do what she said but she's telling her to not go, then flipping the reins to get her to go. Anyway it was too bad for Colleen and I that all this was slowing down the trots and the whole ride.--

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