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Sunday, May 1, 2011


Tulsa is the first horse that I have ridden that has ta
ught me to communicate with her using my body and voice very subtle movements. One day when I was on a ride, I accidently moved my foot to her side, she shot off and started to trot. The guides told me that I had told her to go. I was so blown away that a small movement like that could communicate to her. Whenever I rode her the guides would tell me that Tulsa was "sensitive" to riders. That means she doesnt need to be kicked

to get going. Now Blue or Oreo sometimes will need some extra work to keep on the trail trotting at a fast pace where Tulsa will trot on cue She also will slow down to the word, hoe or woah. She also sometimes will slow down to the movement of leaning backwards. I cant wait to ride her again. This week Im busy and cant make it to a Wednesday lesson. Im disappointed but its going to be great next Wednesday. Colleen and I are on

for Saturday afternoon. Its Colleens Birthday so Im excited.

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