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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Barb was sick, Duke has a cut on his back leg, decided to take it easy and stay on Farm

It was cool when I went out but it warmed to about 56 degrees.  Barb texted me at 630 she was on the way to the ER, stomach pain and blood too.  I was sad.  I was going to go for the 9am ride but there was not one.  Amanda said I could go with her but then she became busy.  I was going to get in the ring with her but Duke's back leg had a cut.
It was like a sign.  There were many peolpe going out with Cathy, maybe (6) Lexie, Kathy, Sandy, Kanti Laurie, another lady, for the 2 hour sunday ride but I didn't feel like going.  I wanted to go on a peaceful ride with Barb, Im so sad she's feeling badly.  So, I stayed back, plus . . . I found out that Duke was right there so I took him out and showed him some love, groomed him.  I had so much fun with him.  He was worried that I was going to make him go out and work.  The girls went out and there were so many on the ride.  Kanti was so upbeat, she gets almost crazy when she rides with Bogie.  She loves him so much.  I am not sure I would buy a horse if I didn't have the connection with Duke over the past 4 years.  ITs exciting.  I waited for Val and hung out with her and Tonto.  She went out into the muck it was so deep, like 10".
Then we talked.  She is so nice.  She said that sometimes the guides fight.  I hope things are ok. She says she stays out of it.  Good side to be on neutral.
Anyway I had a nice day, hours at the ranch with my animal friends.  Duke and I Val Amanda.
I wish I had gotten into the ring with Amanda and rode around.  It would be good for me.  Just saying. Great day, it got cold and by the time I left, Laurie and Kanti were still talking and it was raining.  So strange weather.

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