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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Saturday Sunny Ride to Groton Woods

Beautiful morning the temp got up to 65 degrees.  I didn't make it in time to tack Duke but I did get there early.  There wasn't a 9am ride so we went out with the leasers.  Amy, Kanti, Laurie, Terry all went out for a 915 ride.  The trails were too wet for me.  Duke's size, hoof and weight to be fooling around with mud and cantering.  I will be looking forward to hoping on the guide rides this winter.  Today Sandi said that we will need to avoid bridges because the water is so high.  Val said that this water saturated soil, flooded and puddles, we would need to be careful with the conditions.  Duke is a bigger horse than any of the others by far. 

As we left Duke was needing a drink so I turned around later to catch up. As we went around the corner and the horses were way up the field with Kanti, Duke let the other horses know that he was coming whinnying, and he began to trot to catch up.  I absolutely love him.  Today we went out the back the straight away was not good for cantering and I voiced that I did not want to canter in mud and deep puddles.  I want a safe happy experience. 
Val said that she enjoyed going on the rides with the trails and the guides.  I have to agree, although there  cornfield and groton woods are nice I need a rich and rewarding experience with Duke.  I want to work with him in the ring too.  
Val said that some time in the ring with him can really help out with my bonding with him.  
Duke was so great today not tailgating Foxie, I was wonderfully proud.
The funny thing is today on the second stone wall, the rest of the group was up the hill and I hadn't gotten to the rock wall.  It was difficult for me to convince Duke to continue over the wall this time.  After turning him back about 5 times and with Terry waiting with Foxie, Duke felt better about crossing the shifting rocks.  I was glad that Terry was on the ride.

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