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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pouring rain today, rode in the ring with Duke

Strange day over at the Barn today.  It was pretty wet in the morning but I thought maybe it would dry out.  The barn was so busy.  No rides going out, but the barn full of people, horses, goats, donkeys, dogs, ponies and more.  Val pulled in after me.  And even later, Dave pulled up to do shoes for Val Tonto, Shenenan, Hawk and I am not sure who else.  He was a nice man with a dog that runs around.  The girls all want to talk to him and ask him questions.

There was a strange thing that happened when I got in to the barn.  The horses were all getting tacked up for when the rain stopped.  Sheresh had tacked Duke and she was nice because she said she would have waited if she knew I was coming.  Cassie said she is going to apprentice under her until she can go for her license.  She seems to be riding pretty good and getting lots of experience.  Theresa was working and I had finally gotten up the courage to share my breast plate with Sarah.  I brought her out t the car to show her in the rain.  I wondered if it would even fit him.  She said I should bring it in and measure.  I was a good idea.  As I was walking back over from Duke I saw Bob and mentioned that to Bob that if he thought the breast plate was good.  He said, "you don't need that".  I found it strange but still was not too moved by his negative comment back to me.  Theresa said that he didn't understand what I was saying.  I know that Bob has started to get somewhat annoyed by people in general.  Well Theresa and Cassie let me know that he was surprised to hear that the reason I had the breastplate was because I was buying Duke next month.  He seemed to have no idea that this is happening.  I feel that Laurie was totally surprised by this activity.   Then I noticed that the family was having a meeting to talk about the sale of thsale of Apache, Bogie and Duke.  He had seemed to lost all recollection of the idea.   Well I was feeling sort of terrible but keeping sane.  Cassie said everything was ok.  Bob was totally grumpy.  Bryce was also yelled at by Bob and she was crying in the corner.  I guess things were not working out for him this morning.
As the morning went on, Cassie said that I should take Duke into the ring to work with him.  As I was working on tightening his cinch, I was clumsy.  He then said that I was taking too long to get on the horse.  Yikes I didn't get too miffed about it but I can see it is difficult to get things done with the crazy morning today.   Anyway I rode in the ring very nicely while Sheresh and some others rode. Iw as nice. Val took some pics and Duke was reluctant to trot.  He doesn't like the ring much but I think I will be taking him in a lot more.  I spoke with Cassie about Monday afternoons to do some lessions.  Cassie said it would work out.  I spent some time with the lamb, Winston and the rest. It was a good ay but it was a little strange.  Ill be happy to see Kanti again.  Tomrrow is suppose to be nice.  There was no Lexie or Amy today, not sure what they were up to but I imagine they will be around tomorrow.  Laurie is so very nice I appreciate spending time with her.

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