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Sunday, October 5, 2014

Beautiful 61 and a quick 9am and fun at the barn

I like it when Laurie and I stick around after a ride, talk with the animals and with the people too.  Today we went out just before the ride and got back just before too.  It was very nice.  There was a new woman Terry who is going to lease through the winter.  She seemed very knowledgable.  She's new to the barn so I hope she'll be happy.  It was nice to ride with her.  Sometimes I don't like to go out with the group, they make choices I may not.
Today the group was so saturated and Duke didn't like his footing as we cantered. He went into the woods and I do love to go on rides ith Kanti because she is a great lead.  We went through the trails and Kanti would have known that the branches would most likely hit Duke and I's head when we past them but not too many people except guides.
It was interesting to have Terry behind me because she totally noticed that Duke was in distress during the canter and gave a buck during the last canter.  Also yesterday I learned that the horses need to warm up 10min at least before the first trot and then a while more before cantering.   I liked learning these important things. The trails were too muddy to go as fast as we did so I was glad when we took it easier.  I had mentioned that we shouldn't canter too quickly with the horses  especially through the trails that are soft and winding.
I was able to spend a little time with the little Lamb.  She makes me happy.  There is still so much tension.  Yesterday was so much better with the rides limited.

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