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Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween quick afternoon trip to visit the barn and Duke, just to see how he is doing

Ran over to the barn after lunchtime and after the huge session with the VA.  I called over Cassie said it was slow.  First thing I did when I got there was to pay Bob for Duke lease talk to him see how he's doing.  Then I went out to the barn area.  When I got there I was able to meet Erin the Equine massage expert.  She was working on Honey.  She also had her daughter in the barn.  Her name was Zion and she was so cute.  I have included a few pictures of you.  Honey  looked pretty relaxed.

I started talking to the girls Sandi, Cassie Sarah Katie and they said that Duke had just received his new shoes.  Cassie said that he was feeling better on his feet. The girls were doing different chores.  Sandi and Cassie were working on their leather saddles.  Katie and Sarah was working with Smokey, Witchata and Hawk in the ring.
As I looked at the end of the barn Duke had his head over the fence. Id like to think he heard my voice and maybe thought he'd hang out.  Cassie said he had just gotten his new shoes and most likely not too interested in coming into the barn again.  Well, I was so happy to see him that I just went out into the mud to hang out.  He is so sweet I can't wait to go out on the trail soon.  When he's feeling great again.
When I was walking with Zion on the rock wall to visit the corral with the horses, a call came in the boarder who had been saddle up and went out on a ride, phoned in that she had fallen and needed to be picked up.  She had hit her head.  Cassie and Sandi took the ATV and went out on the trail to get her.  I believe she was ok.

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