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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Got the cinch tight on my own

Finally got over to the Ranch on Sunday morning.  Its getting cold. It was in the 40s.  My chaps should be in the mail soon.   I was thinking  it won't be long before I was a little late for a 9am.  As I was rounding the corner at the light, I could see a lady in front of me speeding.  I thought this lady is almost rushing as much as I was.  As I pulled into Bobby's I could sees that it was Kanti.  I was so happy Kanti was feeling good enough to ride or to come to the ranch again.  There was no 9am ride and Sandi said that we could ride without needed in to come back for a 10am ride.  Laure was there and she was telling stories about yesterday with Terry on a walk ride with a new horse, Finnigan.  She took him out and he was nice on Saturday and Laurie got him ready for a Sunday ride too.  Kanti was saying that she was doing a walk only ride to make sure her back could handle it.  I was getting Duke ready.  
I am excited that Duke listens to me and responds when I ask him to move and get ready.  He was munching away, as I carefully got him ready.  I did his since in the stall.  It took me a little while. to get his cinch  I would like to be able to tack him up on my own someday soon.  I am excited to learn how to care for him.  He's a sweet guy who deserves to be taken care of in a special way.  
Laurie and Kanti talked a lot during our walk.  We went around the lake to the corner, took a left down a little and then up on a ridge and it looked as though we were on Texas Road on the grassy part.  This brought us around to it looks like Emmet Rock and then  onto the Lake trail again.  We finished up in about 1 hour and 15 min.  It was a nice ride.  During the ride was spoke about the last weeks happenings.  Laurie shared how she was looking into different horses for her purchase.  It looks as though she feels discouraged from her purchase of Apache.  I am not sure why or how.   She also talked a lot about her Brother who is going through a lot of medical treatment from Pancreatic problems.  Kanti told us more about how she had been during the weeks off.
After we talked about going to the Equine Affaire and how we will need time off on Friday to drive to Springfield.  I can't wait!  Laurie gave me a squash and some sweet potatoes.  Raychel was so happy.  It was nice of her.  Sarah and Sandi was talking to use before we left.  Sarah said she thought she broke her ribs because Stetson riled up on a ride on Wednesday and she took a tumble.  Im glad she was ok. Sandi mentioned the Boarder Barn again in another sentence to Laurie, Kanti and I.  
I had an opportunity to go in and talk with Bob in the office. He was fine.  He told me stories about how stupid people are and ones on the phone and some boarders too. I was to happy to be with him again. He told me stories about how important the insurance is for the farm.  He has lots of stress but he said that "the farm is a good place and they have done well".  He was mad about the conservation committee limiting his draining of the huge puddles on the trails and how they will go into the river.  He also does his best on the trail maintenance.  I am so very happy about how the lands all connect and how he has held up his end of keeping the land.

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