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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Chiroprator Dr Katz April visit

 Dr Katz comes every couple of months to Greenwood and he does saddle fitting, general hands on exam and also back adjustments. Beau has benefited from these visits with Dr Katz and I enjoy them too.

Yesterday Beau (Monday) had his feet done with Dave. I know he's still feeling sensitive on his feet/hoofs. Dr Katz said that he worked with someone who did a study on horses picking up their feet. She said that on average it takes a horse about 7 seconds to respond to te ask.

I told Katz about how I am having issues picking up Beaus feet. He thinks that Beau has pain because he said with his personality and my relationship with him. He would not do that unless it was uncomfortable.

Looking for some tips on getting a smoother experience for picking up his feet. I have this video where the man describes that running your hand down the back and over the rump of the horse and then down the leg to grab the hoof, Then he talks about getting the other hand and pointing hte toe of the hoof and then positioning yourself in a farrier's position.
This other video is more direct about picking up right at the hock. I like the movement to come from down the leg and give a bit of a nudge to communicate that you need the horse to pat attention to what is being asked.
Ill try the long the butt for the back but Im pretty sure that its just going to take time.
Beau still did not feel comfortable about me putting the sauve o his hoofs. I may try soemthing more comfortable for him.

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