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Monday, April 3, 2023

What’s next for Beau and Me

 I was talking to June, we talked about how Duke and Africa were buriend next to each other. So beautiful to think of them. June said that they are all jumping together . . .  pain free. It was really great talking to her. She "gets it" that we are partners and also we need to show respect to our horses. Some show disrespect by speaking down to heir horse or having a jerky tone in their conversations.  June said that she was so happy that Beau was in a herd, that he was loved and that other horses could be put together. I think she may have been considering Beau to be with Cisco in the same paddock. I was thinking it could work. Im not sure.

Also, June said that she was so happy that Beau was getting so good at being my horse. Now he didnt have the reputation of being a dangerous horse.

I asked her, what do you mean? she said that Krystyn said he was dangerous.

Im a about what going to happen next. Honestly I told June before I go to bed, to relax I picture myself tacking up Beau, going through each step visually. June said that it sounds greta because thats exactly what you should do. It will get positive walking through it.

I am going to give that to myself as a birthday gift. Riding Beau. Patty suggested that I go to the barn when I can feel comfortable, no watchers. Just go after the stalls were finished because no one wants to be there during the stall cleaning. I think good idea. I want to ride Beau before I turn 60. It makes sense.

For instipration I am going to post a pick of him tacked up.

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