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Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sunday home from waterpark - couple hours w/Beau


All alone at the barn got home from the water park. Hung out at home then drove to the barn at 5pm.  The horses were in but it made no sense, why were they in? Sunny day, slightly windy. There were no peope arond and the doors were closed. The sun was out it was about 45 degrees. I was looking at the empty paddocks, the deep water in Beaus paddock, I just hate it. 

Well I opened the barn doors and pigieons jumped from each of the stalls, kinda funny. The fields were beatufiul today. The grass is starting to change from dead brown to a tinge of green. 

I walked to Beau's stall, he poked his head out, he knows Im here for him. Its nice. I decide that he would prob like to run around after being in the stall all day.  Instead of grooming him like i would have done with Duke, I groom him after.  I brought him out to the arena. We got the crop whip, I tried to get him to run. He only walked around, then he went over to the corner and jus stood. I asked him to come over and he stood and loooked at me.

After a few minutes maybe 3 or 4, he pooped. I noticed that that he had pooped again on amother horses poopl I am not sure who it is but I cleaned it up at the end of the work out. 

Bandana trick, 

Come to the mounting block, as I called him over he had some ideas, he wanted to have me get the crop and he wasnted to run. He touched his nose to the crop and started to chew or lick it. I asked him if he wasnted to run? As soon as I puicked it up, he faced his favorite direction and I "pushed him out" well all I have to do is say, Dont make me push you out.

I brushed him out with the curry comb, tried to do his hoofs but they were not able to really pick them up. He was not picking them up today I had brushed him out, we did butt tucks and then I tried to brush the bottom of each hoof. No luck this day. After putting him into his stall, I then did the mousturizing of his hoof. It went pretty well for a short visit.

3 times running in the round pen. The beginning and then we did our exerciess with the snacks and bandanas and then he wanted to run more. Im so proud of him.

I stood on the mounting block and called him over a few times. He came over pefectly a few times then sort of came in crocked but that was just fine. I had 2 apple sauces and 1 apple plus the oatmean snacks. I spoke when June as she came in later in the day. She was going to work out with Cisco, I was in the arena when I heard her voice, when I heard her voice I ran Beau back into the arena so he could run around or just goof off for like 10 minutes. we round penned, both directions and then just walking around relaxing. 

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