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Saturday, April 8, 2023

Saturday my Beau us chatty

 Day before Easter it so hard to get too much time.  have been thinking so much about riding, on my own. We got a new table from Andover bought it off Facebook ad.  by the time we got it all set up, cleared away it was after 2pm. I headed over to the barn. 

All the horses were out. Patti had just rode Sienna and they were happily on the cross ties. When I got to the barn, Patti was on the right side with Sienna.  The lady Marjorie and the man Larry Franco were very nice they were on our side with Joliet and Spicey. There dog was tied up, they asked me if I wanted them to move the dog. I said, no problem, I will not need to be near the dog.  I went out into the back arena door, looked out to Beau, he saw me he thought.  started to come to the edge and look into the barn. I stepped out, into the doorway out to the grass. He sees me and speaks. the lower like a horse whisper type.  I walked up again and asked him to talk to me. then he did speak more. I walked more and he spoke more. I got to the edge of the fence, then I ran along with him and he ran back. 

I have new Flax Snax, Beau didnt like it. He ate them and wanted more but they get caught in his throat. Im going to stick with the snacks from Market Basket. I they are good enough for Wes than its good enough for Beau.

Muke didnt like the Flax Snax either but Scotties horse and Tucker really liked them. 
Ill be using the oatmeal bars from now on. 

When I got to the barn it was Jolie's and Spices owners. They had just finished up a walk in the field. They seems like they were doing pretty good. I know the man had broken his back last fall, I never expected to see them, like ever again.

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