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Sunday, April 16, 2023

Rode Beau today, Sunday riding in the arena w/Patti

  • Swept up the aisle to clean up the poop and etc for Wes and Raychel
    • Patti always does so much work at the barn, I got a jump on the sweeping but while I was in he arena she was cleaning Beaus stall for us, wow shes so nice
  • Wes and Raychel visited Beau for a few moments
    • Even know it was a short amount of time we were able to visit with Beau and play a little before they left
  • Tried on a new fly mask, black Cashel very nice
    • Found an old one of Duke's fly masks that I bought a long time ago, brand new black, fits Beau perfect
  • Tacked up with saddle, put the pad on
    • Got out the saddle and pad with the bridle. Tacked him up with saddle and pad then brought him into arena and over by the mounting block I easily removed his halter and put on the bridle. Next time Im going to use the molasses. Also put on the saddle pad a bit higher and aslo tuck in the billet and hook the stirrups on the horn. Wrapping up the billet 2 times before making the knot then pulling the left over into the saddle holder for it.
  • Got his bridle and bit on without a terrible conflict. I need to follow some of the techniques. I am gong to keep working on the bit but will be using apple sauce and maybe molasses
  • I asked Patti to help me with Beau, but leading him around with me on his back. 
    • Patti thought it was great and had finished with Sienna and put her back in the stall.
    • I was tense and will be shaking out my feelings so that it doesnt make Beau worried.
  • Then Patti and I walked around the arena with me riding Beau, I went 2 times
  • Beau round penned with me at 4 different times in the arena running
    • He went to roll because I had tacked him before the first running in the arena, nexzt time run him then tack him
  • We used the poles and then he and I ran the runs back and forth
    • He ran just fine, we both did
    • He thinks its fun to run iwth me, and I do too
  • Tacked up, next time looking to make sure that I am putting the saddle on with pad closer to the wither, making a pucker in the pad
  • Plenty of snacks
    • back on carrots and oatmeal bars yum
  • Put Beau in the outside mares paddock, he was dumb sniffing poop and took a bite of it.
  • Pooped in the arena, tried to first then didn't have a poop but didn't have any poop yet then he tried it again, funny
  • We grazed in the field and did a short walk to the end of the hay barn.


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