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Saturday, November 22, 2014

About 32 degrees wind, Duke lead on the way home today

Duke after our ride.  He has only a few days left wtih his buddies in the Paddock before he goes over to the Boarder area. 
This is one of the boarder fields where there is a shelter for the horses

Bogie on the left with Kanti, Duke in front and Apache's butt on the right

Bryce with Teddy in the ring before I filmed them.

Cassie with Berry all black outfitted.  Black saddle, halter, reins everyting.

Kanti having a little chat with Domino

The ride was actually later than I expected, when Laurie and Kanti came back to meet me when I got there and got off Bogie and Apache to hang out a bit with Cassie, Theresa, Bryce, Sharyssa, Bryce's mother, Sarah, and Bob said he didnt feel good so I think he took a rest.

Going out to the left of the trail avoiding the lake

Joining the trail and heading toward the long straight away.
The straight a way was frozen with big huge ice.  One time today Duke's foot when through the ice and he was irratated.  Then it didnt bother him.  I thought the straight a way was too hard to trot or canter too much for the guys.  I told Kanti and the horses like to step on soft ground, I cant blame them so I will always try and have a soft comfortable place to trot and canter.  I dont want Duke's feet or legs to have a shock or get sore from the pounding of the hard surfaces.  
Duke takes the lead on the way back to the farm after the straight away.  I was so proud of him.
I was very excited when KAnti suggested that Dulke lead on the way back home on the straight a way.  He looked so cool leading. I think he secretly would love to lead more often.  I will want to get out with him a littel around the property to see how he is alone.  Sarah told me today that the first time she lead with Duke there was a thunderstorm and he was solid with her.  I was happy to hear.  Also Val said that she had also had an opportunity to lead a ride.

Tonto's last day, I am going to miss that little silly boy.
Sharyssa heading out on the 1pm ride.

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