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Monday, November 24, 2014

Farm in the pm, Duke and I jumped in the ring w/Bryce Shawnie for a bit

Had such a nice visit with  at the farm.  Left work early on Tuesday to go over to the farm.
When I got to the barn Bryce and Amanda was leading a little horse across the driveway,walking. When I got there I had nothing specifically that I was going to do.  I did bake a couple cookies for Bob for Thanksgiving.  Bryce was pretty cute.  She asked if I wanted to ride in the ring with her.  We got a lead line and got  Shawnie and Duke out at the room area.  Duke was so cute eating with the other guys.   We saddled our horses together and Bryce told me lots of stories.  She is a freshman in high school.  She said he had come to the farm earlier in the after noon because she got out of school early.  It has been raining like crazy all day.  She was excited to ride in the ring.  She was interested in all the tack that I had gotten for Duke so far.  She gave me some treats that Shawnie didn't like.  She really loves Shawnie her horse.
She said she can tack her horse in like 10min.  I told her that I do not tack very quickly.  She said that I would soon.  She went in and got both Shawnie's saddle and Duke's.  I put the saddle on the rail and worked on brushing him out.  She showed me how she brushes the tail and a great brush for doing it. The bristles come apart so that it is more comfortable for the horses hair.  I used most of the brushes and got him tacked.  I asked questions from Cassie and of Amanda and I got great answers.
When tacking up Duke,
  • Brush out Duke's coat and make sure he is dry.  When I got Duke from the paddock out back, he was very wet and mud coated.
  • The blanket goes right up to the wither on him.  It will line up with the center of the front leg.
  • The saddle goes about 3 inches back from the blanket.
  • Fasten the Cynch first Cassie says that if he gets spooked its best to have the saddle on with the cynch not the breast plate.
  • I put the cynch strap on and wound the strap on the other side of Duke quicker and tighter.  I am feeling much better about it.
  • Fasten the front of the breast plate and then go underneath and fasten the bottom of the saddle.
  • Cassie showed me how to put the bit and bridle on [She is so good with the horses and with Duke].  She puts on his lead line and then stands on  it with her foot.  She gently puts it over his ear one ear at a time and then puts her hand in the bit itself and then gives it to Duke to put it in his mouth himself.  Be careful not to bump his teeth with the metal of the bit.
  • Amanda said that later when you are untacking the horse, take it off in the same order as you put them on.
  • I enjoyed brushing out his coat and just talking.
  • Bryce brushed Duke's tail out and showed me not to stand directly behind the back legs.

In the ring, Bryce was totally trying to get Shawnie to Canter in the ring.

Amazing job Amanda was working with a new little mustang she is calling Fiona.  When I saw them the little girl was so worried and jumpy.  After the 2 hours I was there and Fiona was following along with Amanda.  The bottom picture she is talking with Cassie, Bobby about how young she is by the look of her teeth.  They were so small that she may be only 3-4 years old.  She has a mustang marking.

Here is the little hen that Bob thought was taken by the coyote because she was missing.  On Tuesday morning she emerged with her little chicks and walked into the farmyard to show them all that she could sneak off, lay eggs and raise a family.  Bob put her in the office with a heating lamp.  When I looked in the box she turned her head with pride about her sweet little baby chicks.  Cassie said that she walked around later with the chicks to show them around the barn.

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