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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Short quick ride, and keep working tacking up Duke

Duke before he was getting his tack.

When going to Equine Affaire 2014 I am preparing to get Duke outfitted

Actual Prices in GREEN
  1. Saddle - $600-1000 = $400
  2. Reins - $25 = $36
  3. Halter - $35 = $30
  4. Bit set - $25 = $20
  5. Pad - $200 = $30
  6. Blankets - $50 $5
  7. Breastplate - $100 = $115
  8. Forgot = Bridle $72 &  
  9. Cinch Strap = 12 
  10. Latiga = $14
  11. Total Approx = $1400 -  
  12. Actual Total $698
Here is the picture that Iam using for reference for Duke's saddle.  I cant wait.
Today I was working on tacking with Duke, Sharyssa had him brushed and I was able to work with her, Sarah and everyone else.  Amanda helped me by looking at the tacking job and she saw that I had the blanket off and we went over it again.  I was glad that the girls are there to get me to practice getting it right.  Soemtimes when people are around I get nervous and dont do well tacking. I feel best when it is one of the guides around so I can ask questions.  I skipped the big ride iwth the leasers and boarders.  It looked like fun but Im not comfortable with the large group and also I want to spend more time with Duke by myself and in smaller groups.
-Putting on the blanket I need to take the 2 pads and use the one with the cut out on the bottom. The full one goes on the top.  -The blanket then goes on Duke's back and his wither is slightly fitting into the spot on the bottom pad.  -I should line up the blanket in the front around the middle line of Duke's front legs.  I should also make sure that the pad was completely covered on the bottom.  The top of the blanket can be half way covering the pad.  -When placing the saddle on his back I need to make sure I smooth the saddle and blanket underneath with my hand.  I can also measure 4 fingers in the front space on the blanket before the saddle is placed.  When I was getting the blanket ready I felt nervous that I was doing it wrong.  I need many more practices, and I worry about the new tack and how it will be lined.  Also I need to make sure that the stirrups are about 6 up form the bottom.
[When I get a pad for Duke, I would like the blanket to cover the bottom and the top.  I am very happy to be getting him new comfortable tack and I am glad to have Sarah to help me.]
Sarah measured Duke with Lexie for me.  It was pretty exciting.  Sharyssa was next to me getting Hershey ready.  Duke couldnt get close enough to Hershey with his butt.  So cute.  Im so lucky to be working with the girls getting ready.
I was going to wait until the 10am and go but Sandy and Sarah pulled me aside and asked it I would go with them and I could tlak to them about riding and if I had any questions.  I really appreciate it. The ride was so good.  We went on the new trail that the girls had been working on this week.  It was pretty cool it included the esterloop.  After the trail we went backwards back toward the farm around the lake.  Duke really enjoyed it and he clicked with Shenen.  Today he was also better with Hawk and Sarah.  I am looking forward to the trails being less pools of water and water puddles with mud.  During the ride, Sarah was able to critique my riding and she picked up on my stirrups were too long and I needed to sit back and less pulling on the stirrups.  We stopped on the trail before the straight away and I was able to adjust my stirrups correctly.  As soon as we got that settled we had a nice canter at the end.  Shenen and Duke are the same size and I like how they ride together.  It was one  was a ride that included joy for me. I was so happy to get Duke on a new trail and he seemed to like the change being in smaller group and around the lake with me.
You know with me buying Duke I was thinking there would be some rider that enjoyed him so much that they would have spoken up that they would miss him.  I know there are rideres that love him.
Here is Amy with I think Chiquita.  She was so covered with mud.  We just laughed.  I think it took a while to get her all brushed out.
On the new trail you can see that these pipes had been there for a long time. I cant guess how long.

Backwards through the bridge

At one point, Duke was enjoying the trails.  He paused to the left to look over the lake.  I wonder if they get a chance to just stop and relax.  When I am on trail rides in Colorado, they stop and let the horses look around a little on the trails and at the view points.  I really liked that part of the ride.  What do the horses look at on the trails?

Sandi smiling with Shenen
This is near the corner of the lake where familes are often playing in the water.
Back end of the lake trail looking from the oposiste direction.

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