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Friday, November 28, 2014

Duke finally we can hang-out and be forever friends [or BFF]

Here is Duke after I  had my visit with him in the barn.  He was enjoying some celebratory treats and 2 carrots.  He's so sweet.

Sandy took a few pics after I signed the agreement and purchase agreement.  Its in my hands in these pics.

Duke is looking at Hawk when he photo-bombed the pic, Ha Ha So cute.
Here Hawk is edging over to Duke and I and Duke has his ears back.
Still smiling, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face and still can't.  Amazing!
Bob told me that Duke can stay with the herd until next spring.  I am so relieved to hear because he has so many friends, like Hershey, Domino and the rest of the guys.
Buddies <3
This is either Mariah or Blueberry with Duke at the back end of the Dinning Dinning area, Quanset  Hut.
**Felt bad after learning that Bob lost Maggie on Thanksgiving morning.  He was so down Val said.  Im so sorry to hear he lost his best friend and on a holiday.  Its not fair.  I am going to include a picture of  Maggie running the horses into the barn at the end of the day.  She was a great little dog.

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