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Thursday, December 28, 2017

16 degrees Duke and I trudged the field

This week is way too cold.  I went over on Wednesday after work, around 2pm.  They were in, they have been in when its this cold.  It looked like they had gotten a chance to go out because I could see some hoof prints and the paddocks were plowed.  All of the driveway and the whole area was cleared.
It was nice to get there an be alone.  Duke was busy munching hay.  It seemed as though they had gotten their food for the night.  It was getting dark quick.  I decided that I really wanted to get Duke walking.  Every horse had their blankets on, Duke too. 
I took Duke out quickly, got his halter on, his lead line and we were able to walk outside.  Hes got his spikes winters and I have my cleats that I got from Oconnor.  I had my big boots and my 2 carhart coats, my bright red scarf and red gloves.  I walked out with Duke we walked on the ice and sure enough my balnce was great. I stepped out to the edge of the lot on the snow banks.  Then Duke saw what we were doing that we were stepping over intot he deep snow.  He was happy.  I had some snacks to give him along the way that we were walking.  The wind was strong and it was like about 16 degrees.  We walked in the snow.  My feet went into the first layer of snow lightly and then into the ice crusted layer.  It wasn't as easy as I thought for me to walk.  Duke seems pretty happy, no problems.  Its really nice to walk with him.  He looks me in the eye.  As we walk he looks into the woods. I told him stories and we look at all of the tracks in the snow that went across the field.  He smelt then and looked at me.  I love how he looks at me.  He stopped a few times and looked like I had to remind him that I was with him and he wasn't the boss.  He wont get snacks if he acts like that.  Anyway we went to the corner, we could smells something in the wind.  Duke knows when there are animals around.  ITs cool.  When we passed that area that I thought the coyotes came out of he got really jumpy,  he kicked up his heels at one point and then the next time he kinda bucked. I felt a little bit worried at the speed he was having me keep up with him. I stopped him a few times t catch my breath. I dindt think that the snow as getting into his hoofs like it did last time.

As I was coming around the edge the snowmobile that had been in the field across the way and I saw  zipping down the road a few times came across the field and then flyfing up behind us.  I waved at him and yelled like crazy.  TI made hold Duke so much more difficult.  Well I was kinda mad and Duke had gotten riled up from when the place where the coyotes might be.  Well we made it by Bonnies and we got ot the road.  It was very nice.  Then we walked a lot faster down the road.  At the ned we were every quicker  I went behind the hay barn and then we were home.  I was o happy with Duke.  I brought himinto the outside ring and put my phone away and did some chores.  I took his coat off walked around it was nice.  We di dsome work in the soft snow in the outside ring.  He had some nice facial gestures.  I really love to play with him.
After we played I brought hi in and brushed him down nice.  Then gave him an apple, after reading about a draft horse that choked on an apple, I am going to cut htem up for now on.  This is not a thing I want to happen to my guy.
Put his blanket back on, brought the supplements in for his food and then visited with Liz and little Duke gave the rest of the guys cookies and then took off.

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