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Thursday, December 14, 2017

New Hay Yum

Went over real quick to put on Duke's blanket, they say its going to be in the teens on Wednesday.  I wanted to see him.  Bob drove quick and I ran in.  There was a car parked in front with a man in it. I felt a little bit strange so I looked I was thinking it could be Scott Gaelens owner.  Sure enough as I got out of the car he backed up so I went to the window.  He said that Gailen was doing better on very expensive anti biotic and that he lunged him to get him going.  I felt for him.  He drove into the night and I went into the office and turned the lights on again.  Then I went back outside to get over to Duke's stall.  Duke was talking to me. I do love that he was in waiting for me.  It was nice. I didn't need to walk him but I did get in with him and brush him out.  He was eating the hay it was small and cut up more than usual.  I could here him hunting it up and lipping it.  The sound was os cute.  He was so preoccupied with eating it with a fun energy.  While I brushed him and then it was so funny.  I got his blanket and started putting it on and then I realized that I was pretty good at putting on the larger wider belt but the small long ones are really confusing. I started to be looking for the hook on the inside of the blanket.  I just couldn't find it.  I had to get some help. I was alone in the dark and I knew that Babe could help me figure it out.  I went into her stall and took a closer look at her blankets buckles area.  It was kinda fun.  Shes got a nice blanket and it was on tight.  I needed to see that the back belts are thin and go between his legs and cross to a hook on the back near his tail.  Sure enough after looking at Babe's blanket I could put it together and find the hook.  It seemed a little bit loose but I got it.  We were there about 15min and then back home for the game. 

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