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Monday, December 11, 2017

First Snow w/Duke saturday, Sunday drop by Duke go out in paddock

Tacked up and waiting for our tack out in the first snow, excited because hes the only guy going out today in the snow.  Bonnie and Krystyn packed up and were leaving its 1215 or so and we are ready to go out into the fields and walk in the snow.  While I was tacking Up Duke Krystyn fixed my new Bridle with his beautiful beads and she removed the bit from the old bridle and put on the new bridle.  I was so happy that she was very pleased to help me. Its beautiful.
The snow was wet very wet, after I tacked him up Krystyn held Duke while I jumped on.  He moves too much and I told Krystyn its the thing that we need to work on this winter.  She held him for me and I jumped up and we headed out into the snow.  Duke was pretty happy to get out there.  We were getting wet quickly and the snow built up on his mane and tuft of fur on his head in such a beautiful way, I felt like no one was doing any better than me.  I fetl on top of the world.  Well the only issue we had was I had that feeling a couple of years ago when Duke had the snow build up in his hoofs. I know it balls up and then its hard to walk for him.  His legs become highter and higher.  I took him around the field and few walked back on the road. I wondered if he thought it was slippery.  Hes been that guy that had the greatest footing for years.  He was a pro, we walked back behind the barn with hay and then we walked up to the door I jumped off.  He wasa an angel. I threw his saddle off and we walked in the outside ring.  He was so cute.  We walked to get him up and then I let him go over and graze in the snow.  Hes nose is amazing how the top lip circles over the surface of the snow swiping off the snow so he can grab and munch the snow with a circling motion hes a natural machine at this.

Sunday drop by, I was out doing so many chores because of the snwo.  Duke got out in the paddock but he was in when I went by at 3pm to drop off the previcox and brush him out.  He was pushy and sweet. I check on him and we hung out for about 10min.  He had some hoof snax and I gave his buddies some too.  Dropped off new snacks too.  The sunset over Greenwood was absolutely gorgeous.

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