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Monday, December 11, 2017

Wayne the Dentist today, Mile walk/trot in the arena

By the look of Duke's teeth the dentist thinks that Duke is about 20 or 21 by the state of his teeth compared to (17 or so). The dentist said that Duke's teeth have progressed to a point where they will start to drop out or become lose.  This is a tough time for a guy like him.  He's dropping his hay Bonnie says so hes got to have a greener hay or he wont be about to eat it.  Bonnie says that shell give it to him and that he eats about 20 percent of his hay.  Hes not losing weight yet but will start soon if we don't adjust his food.  I asked if I should be buying some different food, Bonnie said that he is getting Senior feed now so he'll be good. I have to see about some different foods maybe.
Well he was second to be looked at and it wasn't very long. I went in with the Dentist.

Anyway Bonnie told me that Duke wasn't going out today as I was leadlining him out to the paddock.  She said withouthis winters its too icy. Well it isn't too icy and I wasn't happy with her.  All the other horses were going out. She said that he would fall and break a leg.  I told her that Duke was an agile horse that was in a herd and rode on ice all of the time. So many of the horses didn't have their winters and still did many trail rides aday. She seems to be paranoid about horses with shoes.  I texted Dave and he said he'd get out to do the shoes this week.  I texted him back and let him know that Bonnie was keeping Duke in because he didn't have his winters.  Dave said that she was a power freak and she was being unreasonable. We both swore a lot and I told Dave that I don't fight too much with Bonnie, he said shes crazy.
It worked out so well that while the first horse was getting his teeth done I was in my ATIS meeting giving updates on DTMS system, and my research for the day.  It was cool.  Then I got out of the car and they were starting Duke.  Krystyn brought over the dentist and then he said, if you could get the halter and lead line on and we can start.  I put them on and he in hitched the strap for the bottom and we began, he didn't work that long but it seemd forever.  He thinks that Duke is a lot older thatn I thought, 20 by the advancedment of his teeth's degration.  Hes getting older.  Hes old boy. 

Little Duke was in the arena with Jackie the trainer.  She was working with Liz and they looked great.  I was thinking about how Duke will do when its us.  We walked about a mile.  He made me so proud of his high steps and his excitement and obedience with me in the arena.  He was amazing.  We ran together and we walked fast, He walked next to me and stopped on a dime. Hes a good boy with his ground work lately.  I am still smiling from when he and I walked on foot around the big field.  We are going back to riding 2 fields soon.  I cant wait to ride with Krystyn this winter. 

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