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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Riding today 42 degrees, Lil Duke

Ride with little Duke,
I tacked Duke up in the ailse.  He was pretty patient.  I had waited and everyone else had gone about their business, Krystyn witn Jess, Kristen and Fred.  Fred was sweeping up everything and doing chores.  At one point, Kristen yelled at him and he wasn't happy.  When I had first arrived Liz was tacking up Little Duke.  I know she's been taking some lessons from Jackie. I saw her go out as I was bringing Duke in to the barn.  When I got Duke from the other horses, he was happy to see me, he makes me happy how he responds to me when I call him. All the horses look now they are accustomed to me getting Duke later in the day.  Doc was pushy but I pushed him off.  Oh yeah, theres some good news, Scott found Duke's old lead line, lucky lead line that Val gave me.

 I then heard from Sarah that Gaelen was in the hospital, he was diagnosed with Lyme disease and then they treated him he reacted badly and had to be hospitalized for several days.  Bonnie said tonight 8 Dec that he had gotten somewhat better, maybe he is back at the barn.  This is a huge fear for me.

Anyway, I tacked up Duke, he was great.  Hes really a good boy getting better every weekend.
Anyway I dragged his saddle down as Jess was practicing jumping many jumps in the arena.  I took my time and cleaned him up so well.  I put in his salt, on Saturday and when I looked in the stall it was soft from him licking it.  I was relieved, Ill get him the salt from Redmond on a rope now, he likes it.
Anyway, I wait a bit and Jess was finished in the arena.  I went out there the back door was open and I did bring him over to the side.  Hes not totally improved yet. I saw a trick where the person trained their horse to come to them when they stood on the step.  That would be a good trick Id like to do t hat.  when he came over to let her on she jumped on and then he got his treat.  That's next.
Anyway I was thinking Id like to go out more 2 fields and go over a mile.  As I was coming around little Duke came with Liz around the bend, we waited she and Lil Duke caught up and we rode together.  Liz told me that Lil Duke was on a bitless in the field.  She told me she rode out to an area that is like a huge field where you can ride around. I was interested in seeing this spot. Maybe we can ride with little Duke.  My Duke was very a happy to be with them.  This makes me feel wonderful.

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