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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Pics from NYE 2017

I packed up all my stuff I wasn't feeling good this week I have some kind a kidney infection or something I didn't get to see Duke yesterday and I was really worried about him standing in 0°,  so I packed up everything took my medicine Took some of the leftover apples cut them in half put them in a bag made some medicine up to replace what we have then I put Michael's on layers after layer started my car warmed it up and head over when I came around the corner Krystyn was with all of the little goats and she was walking down the sidewalk she was going toward the barn she said she was going to bring them there to stay in the barn stall next to Duke.

 when I got there two could hear me and he started talking out the window I packed up and went and everybody was inside the barn was pretty warm I am putting saw the run?

He had his blanket on open the barn door we went for a walk.  I walked up to the corner idea behind the barn and I do going to go in so I unhooked him anywhere and I'm just going crazy who did all those back kicks in the manner he even jumped around him and rolled on the ground when I went to go get my camera I pushed against the fence and broke it so I put him on the lead line and we went for a walk down the road.  As we were walking down Greenwood Road, about halfway down Bonnie told me to try to keep Duke in the snow because he's getting older.  She was driving behind me on the road while I was walking with him we curled back went back and did some more water and it was a beautiful day it was about 14°.   I didn't take very good pictures I took his blanket off when I get back put them in the outside arena and put the blanket inside the barn brush tomorrow.  Krystyn and Bonnie were pretty talkative when I was in the barn earlier and I spent a lot of time in the stall with him we walked around a lot or a walked around for about an hour and a half feel like I did a pretty good job and then I'm going home it was freezing cold

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