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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Been four months since he left . . .

That look when he would run toward me shaking his head so beautifully w/love 

 Most nights I tend to look at my collection of pictures videos and the deep memories of my boy. All of his things now helping Beau feel like better about his loss. Today I was especially thinking about how much I missed him. I read the note from Dr Katz about how severe his arthritis was in his neck and back. He was so sweet to me. How he would shake his head as he ran to ward me as we played. I tried so hard to keep him happy, safe, comfortable. He was such a speical guy. 

As I read the note from Katz, I realized jiust how much Duke did for me. He was having pain maybe issues and he would run run run to me and all around the arena. He had rolled just that week. Katz thought it was sort of impossible ocnsideirng his back and legs arthiris and his past injury in the paddock. 

god I loved him more than I even realieze. This year was tough as I went to Equine Affaire w/o his being in my head, looking at things that I wanted to provide to him. He has gone. 

I know he knew how much I loved him. you know that they do so muc fo ryou and overcome pain and even suffer just to recieve your love and please you.

How beautiful is that? You cannot measure that in a lifetime. We are so fortunage the ones wise enought to fill their lives with love for animals.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday & Sat


Really different day at the barn, everyone was there just like yesterday, even scottie was there. Patty must have gone over alot earlier. Kristin was doing the chores. She had texted me if Beau could go out at like 10am or so. I let her know he was all set.

Because there were do many cars and so much gong on, I went up to Beau's paddock to work out. He really didnt like it at first. I think I want to use his paddock to do alot of our work. Why go in the arena when I have a really large paddock that I can make nice. His water
looked kind of terrible and the hay was kinda crappy.  I tried to get him to lung but he knows Im terrible and he just kept being a good boy and turning as He thought I was asking him to turn from the back. Ill need more lunging help meaning instructions. 
He seemed to understand that I think his paddock is in good shape. Not too much mud only near the gate. I went to the fence and climbed up on it. He came over to me, I was wondering if his old owner did the thing I used to do to get up on Duke. Jump on the fence and climb on his back. I want to see if he would do this. I may just hang out in his paddock, climb on his back, get a set of reins on his little mouth. 

We walked around and did a trip through the woods. He acts a bit spooky for me to take him out in the woods alone. He wants to jerk his head around or jump at nothing.Well as I took him out of the paddock and brought him into the grass area, we went to the right into the end of the paddocks to the woods. Then into the woods through the trail made from gravel. I could see that the woods has changed alot back there.  I think that all the construction stuff has made the areas change, a road up into the woods where it was just a path before. I could see the milk truck from the clearing as both Beau and I looked deeply into the woods as we walked.

I turned him around many times to see everything. Like were we were, where we were going and Where we had been. So he didnt get spooked by the strange areas. Im going to keep taking him to interesting areas to get him curious about his world again.  As we came down the hill from the woods behind the bulldozer type vehicles, Beau spotted Sienna on the road with Patty walking. He was so happy to see her. He was confused at the land we were at ad tried to put it in to perspective. "have I been here before?". "I think this could be familiar". I could see that he was very interested to return to the barn area that he was familiar. I think we should keep going for interesting walks over the coming weeks.

The best part of the day was that Beau seemed to understand that the work we are doing at the mounting block. We did some walking around and some stopping, some running and working on Woah. I think I a using is as stay still or dont more too. So I set him up at the block with a Woah and then reminded him to keep still with a woah. Counted to 10 and kept the low Woah to keep him still. Then I kept him at Woah and stepped to the top of the mounting block. He stayed still. Then I saw he "got it". He did 3 perfect woah stayed still 10 seconds and then stepped up to top of mounting block, still know walking away.
What a good boy.
Patty was busy took Sienna out and down the road. 


Val and I went over to the barn, THe barn was packed, the arena had a potetnial leaser on Kinsey with Kristin, June Kristie and Patti and I. When I pulled in with Val, Sienna and Patty were walking over to the grass, and then they turned and went over to driveway and met us in the side of the girls paddock fence. I got some of my peppermint soft molasses and oatmeal bites.

It was about 50+ degrees, I was happy that is wasnt too cold for us. The sun was bright at the barn.
Both Joleit and Spice like to come to the fence and Val likes to greet them and give thim a treat too.
We weret there too long but it was stil pretty great. We went to O'Connor hardware first and did some shopping, Val liked the hardware store that gives us free bag of popcorn and a lolipop too.


Friday after Thanksgiving and a nice afternoon with Beau

The Horses are in the temps in the 50s Beau walking outside was nice. He was happy to get out. Krystie said that the horses were in yesterday, Thanksgiving and then today because it was a bit rainy.

I kept Beau to just a few things in our workout today, small amount of walking, there were lots of trucks and tractors running all over the place at tehe barn so I didnt feel like it was a solid day to walk around outside for too long, only around the barn and sort of down around the driveway.

About 40+ steps backwards and up the hill backwards. We walked around  Maybe a mile or so. He did his cross overs in the back very well.

For his left back hoof I took a bread bag some water and a folded ripped towel wetted. With peroxide and water.  Put his back hoof in the bag and tied it up, Then petted Beau and held him to relax for a few minutes. 
He did the funniest thing trying to get the bag off after about 10 min He jumped around like the cats do when they have somethig on their backlegs. it was really cut but also dangerous. 
I put him in the stall so he could relax. Then we went out into the arena. 
We worked out did our crossovers he’s getting better. The back legs crossing went well. It was a good visit and also not bad for a rainy day.

In the 50s. BeUs in light 

Saturday last week


Went to barn while I had Wes last D

Patty watched Wes he was sleepin in the. seat Truck, he was feelin bad but wanted to  ride in the truck 

 It was later in the afternoon

I  was able to bring Beau in and give him snaxks

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving Eve warm sunny time to soak his sore hoof

 Really beautiful sky tonight as the sun was getting ready to set

The horses were all tucked in seemed early to me but Beau was sort of smling looking up from his hay munching in his stall. Im not sure that he was feeling like walking around with me but after I put his new halter on he was happy to walk out and get grass in the sunshine and walk in the arena to stretch out.  

After that we only walked backwards a little bit maybe 25 steps in front of the barn.   We walked out to the end of the driveway and then back into the barn to get back to our chores. 

I knew he didnt feel good so I walked in the arena with him doing our serpentines and then practices standing still listening to me at the mounting block and we finished up with some light trotting. Then we did some cross tie but tucks before finishing off with soaking his back hoof in warm water and peroxide. I brought a big bucket, I think he is not comfortable yet.

I was so happy to just brush him out. Hes been a little bit dusty uin his fur and no blanket tonight. He. I know that he was probably

I talked with Patty and she mentioned that she thinks that Beau had a nice life before Greenwood, where he was treated very well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Dave meets Beau hoofs will be healthy again

 Dave gave me a text that he would be able to see Beau today at 2pm. I was already  thinking about when I should leave work.  Im so relieved that Beau is all set now. Dave thinks hes a “pretty nice fella”  He had some issues on his back hoofs just like we thought. He has to stay in his stall until he can heal, but until Saturday seems like a long time. He said that the ground is too hard, I can work out in the arena but the ground is too hard and Dave said his grog is raw. I watched him trim huge pieces carefully off his back hoofs. June was uncomfortable with the growth on the back. Dave said all signs of thrush. 

Dave was excited that Beau was a TB, he really liked him and let me know that he thought Beau was something special. 

A couple of times Beau was a bit nervous with the back feet. He was of course getting an intense trim. Dave was not afraid to do a great job fixing Braus getting. He said he would be sore. I will need to soak with peroxide maybe today. The Thrush needs to be soaked out. Also its important to keep his feet  in the air.

Dave also taught me at least 3 things

1. How to get Beau to do the stomached kurgan easily

2. Best way to have Beau pick up his feet . I think that he’s feeling better already after the trim. He’s going to be sore because Dave removed the rotted hoof materials. 

3. A good way to get Beau to pivot on his front feet. Dave was critical on my turns even though I was spot on with our movements together. We can work it out and even get better. 

Dave was impressed with my sweet new boy, 

He left with the phrase he always said with Duke, Rude him like you stole him. 

I’m so glad Besu has Dave ❤️

Ihave to miss Dr Katz'ssaddle fittings,I can just have him do an adjustment.

This picture Dave showed me the frog and how it was effected by the thrush, the other black was really deep in Beau's hoof. I would have been hard to keep Duke in for 4 days but Beau most likely feels like resting.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Weekend Saturday visit so short

Wes is got RSV and I am watching him today, he didnt sleep at all. He was tired an dkept asking if we could go for a ride. I know I needed to see Beau today. It turned out that I was able to take Wes for a ride in the truck, get gas and drive around so he could go to sleep. When I got to the barn he was out like a light. Patti was there and she said she'd keep an eye on Wes so I could go run and bring in Beau. I had a few apples and Sienna isnt healed enough to eat anhthing that isnt soft. I didnt take a pic just spent time with Beau and then jumped in the truck and left He woke up just in time. Patty is so kind she had a halter made for Beau with his name and it is leather iwth blue padded. Its just beautiful I will put in a picture toorrow when I give it to him.

Sunday visit 
Only about 1 1/2 with Beau but he was so happy to be taken in by me
When he saw me hi turned to Bee 🐝 and Tucker and said in a horse voice
I was getting him and he gets special treatment ❤️
Its so cute to see him with his paddock neighbors.
He trotted into the barn just like Duke sed to do.
I think that new Red sweater hes wearing his helped his confidance.
I just have to make sure he doesnt poke me from behind and also that hes keeps his dissance when we walk together.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday short little workout and visiting

Bruins game at 7 I figured I would run over to the barn and get a some of Beau exercises going. I am worried that I wont get over on Saturday because Wes has RSV the kids respiratory virus. Ill be at his home taking care of him. He prob wont feel good enough to visit the barn unfortunately.

Well its really dark out at the barn, no light. I really think thats not ok, they need to keep the barn safe. Anyway, doors closed and I didnt know who was there. Opened my door and it was Kristie was riding her horse in the arena. I called Beau's name and he walked over to me in his stall. I was going to put on the bitless but it still is strange ot me so I just put on a really beautiful exercise rope halter. I really like how it looks and seems more comfortable.

ANyway we did his beautiful fur still not good with his feet. This week I talked to Dave and he is away in Kentucky or something and will be back next week to do Beau's feet.  After I brushed him out. Hes very soft, I held him in my arms and he seemed to really love me. I know he likes the snacks.  He is not standing at the mounting block good enough but I am going to start to test him. 

Next time I think I will block out the doors and stand on the block and see if comes over so I can get on him. I think it could be helpful. I didnt do it today because I didnt have his bit in and the training halter has a rope on it. Also I think he wanted to lunge because he's running along with me alot. 

He did his steps about 60 backwards he did his turns both sides and we walked about a mile.

We were also able to .

Hes also trying to walk sideways when I ask him. Its amazing.

I know when he goes to the left turn (I think) he has a hard time doing the side steps. I love that he tries. Also when he gets tired of the side turns he will just go backwards because it is less stressful on his leg. I am seeing that he most likely has an injury on his back leg. I am not sure if he can take weight but I think he can. I hope to god hes not in pain.

I enjoyed our time in the arena doing our exercises. 
Kristie was working with her horse and she seems very happy. She is doing lots of stuff and her horse seems like a real nice guy. I like him. I Hope shes will be good to him.

Sienna's stitches will dissolve Patty said. I texted her she usually is at teh barn at 2pm o Thursday but Patty said that she's still in Waltham and not able to come to see Sienna.  Sienna got plenty of soft snacks and also some pieces of apple. She didnt seem to mind Beau much today. She didnt kick up her feet nearly as much as usual. I let Patty know that she was a good girl today.

While Beau and I were in the arena the wind blew through the door and slammed loud (the doors that faces the paddocks) and Beau jumped up I told him he was safe and that he should just woah. He turned toward me and seemed to be calmed by me being there. 

Also I think he wants to run in the arena or do some lunging.  Hes really working out. HOpe his back leg is ok. 

Il post a pic of him in the cross ties feeling good.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Bit less bridle fits

 Yesterday the temps were 68 70 warm 

Today pouring rain 47 degrees, driving over to barn at 2pm.  Kayla I guess was selling her trailer there were cars and trucks all over the place it all over the front of the barn

Wish she did it someplace else like at hay barn we’re all the trailers are.  because it’s inconsiderate to block off the barn fir some stoker sake. 

But anyway who knows. Thought was new horse

Beau was really glad to see me With all the rain the horses were in the barn of course

I realized that yesterday I rushed him too much, today having a relaxing pace made all the difference. We had snacks and did our exercises with Sienna. I like that Patti has been joining Beau with doing the Serpentines swerving back and forth in the arena not a figure 8 but a 3 curved loop. Better for his sides.

I do have to work on him using his head and bumping me. 
We worked on standing still at the mounting block. He did good today. I need to reward him for staying still and for keeping still while I step onto the mounting block. I almost think he acts like, "Whats a mounting block? What is going on here?".

When outside and walked around. We were able to to a ton of backward steps, I know hes trying but after 10 he bumped me today.  need to get him to not bump for snacks. Its a bad look for him. Ill get there.
Also Patti really helped me get the bitless on Beau. Shes got some experiences with the Bitless that she uses. 

We did the butt tucks today. Hes really moving along. I think I need to go over there on Thursday night so that I can see him 3 days a week instead of just 2 days a week. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Visit after getting home from EA


Big news, although I was short on the snacks while Beau was getting in his steps, we got it done. Hes pushy on treats and I worked out w/o any for all of his different tricks.

Well I could not get him to walk up the hill behind the barn back door,  backwards, he only walked up 1/2 way like 3 times. I had to back him down and start again. The grass is so disctractive and he yanked my arm to get grass over and over. I found myself trying to secure him back on task. It was not the right move. 

Another problem is that I should have used the method that I have always used.

I always use snacks to get him motivated, he works best. Today I didnt use them until late in the day. I need to remember to keep using the treats as treats.

Great news,I was able to do the excersice correctly to get him to do his butt tucks. I am so proud of him. Now we will keep getting them done to have him to continue to meet up during the week.

Beau was happy to see me but he also was sort of missing me getting him going on excercises. He needs me to go see him one night a week.

Had some great new snacks called, Dimples and they are sofft and molases and fiber filled, they smell so good. All the horses loved them <3

Patti was there with Sienna. Sienna let Patti ride her w/no bit just a halter. it was great.

I went through Fukes tack chest last week

It was pretty dirty not organized found our bit less bridle

After finding his tongue with the horrific scar from an accident possible in his race days. I want to make sure Beau knows he’s lives and respected he would be a good boy I think

Train him on the bit less

Also Saturday I rushed Beaus fun

I need to just be there some days ❤️ Show him the  love. My sweet boy

I’m calling Dave to get his feet corrected ASAP 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Weekend working with this guy getting strong

Just amazing weekend Saturday worked out with Beau walked around the farm and in the arena, started doing serpentines with him. Patti and Sienna joined us and we worked out both Sat and Sunday in the arena. The tempature was 75 degrees each day.
Saturday I was with George in the orning and then headed home to grab some water and head over.
so much going on because of the new horse coming in.
June Patti and I were the only ones at the barn and it was heaven.  
Beau did his 60 backward steps. Hes really getting good. We did the turns and I can see that his feet get sore when we work the turns, his back leg gets tired and then in place of turning, Beau starts to walk backwards, he will do it as much as I ask. Very sweet boy. I am fortunate. 

Sunday is was completely warm again but not as much as yeasterday when it was humid and th ehorses began to sweat. I looked at Beaus water and it didnt look very good. I was a bit sad. I noticed that June was sweet to Muke who was in his stall and was feeling a bit lonely. She opened his stall and gave him some love I think she brushed him too. A real sweet thing to be payin gattention to that guy. I really like Muke.
Oh on the second day it was sort of a crazy day. The time change made it so that I was kinda of not very organized. I met up with Patti around 1pm. She had plans to wait for Krisitn and do a practice trailer walk in. Well it was getting to sound like alot of crap. They were telling her to Ace Seinna so she would relax on the ride. and be easy going. Patti did not want to drug her horse. I felt bad for her. Seinna was on teh cxross ties and so was Beau so she could hear us and she became concenred. 
We worked out in the arena both days and on Sunday I did a terrible lunge job with Beau. Patti watched. She gets into it. I can only get better but Beau is very good.

Seinna is getting her teeth done on Tuesday because they are achy Kerri said. I thin kshe will feel better soon. Well Patti teted me that Beau was all upset when he saw Sienna getting on a trailer.
He likes her, like a boyfriend. 
I think we will start ot work out together and then maybe even ride out in the field. I will keep working with Beau until he starts to like it.
Decided today that I was going to take Val to Equine Affiare. I can just skip some of the boring stuff, and go to the shows and the breeder barn <3  

Beau is so sweet now, I think he like me so much
He doesnt cry back to the paddock to complain to his herd.
Im starting to really fall for him <3

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Lesson lunging with Beau

 The other day when I was trying to lunge Beau and I had soemthing go wrong and he stopped and came right to me, I knew I had made a mistake on what I was communicating with him. Decided to not keep messing him up. Krystyn today said, someone spent alot of time with this boy. Hes had a ton of training I think. Beau is a professional

I got to the barn a little bit late. Krystyn was standing at the front waitig. I went over with my pad and got my lunge line. June was doing something and wanted to go intto the arena. I am not very comfortable with June's comments. I talked to Krystyn for a wile so June could go into the arena with Africa and ride a bit, keeping her fit is importnat. She said, I wont say a word, I let June know it was more about having peple around than saying a word. I just dont feel as good when their are people lurking. 

Krystyn went over lunging

keep the rope in the left hand and the whip in the right. 

when I want him to go I need to start out close to him

Stay behind his shoulder and slowly back up.

He started to lunge, he was really a complete pro <3

So proud of that boy

Then when starting him to lunge the whip arm is up and when he starts if you put the whip line down he will continue lunging

Then keep the rope in your hands and step back. 

Keep behind his shoulder as he circles me.

Then if you are going to start again, 

Reel in the line and switch hands.

Then start on the other side.

about 10 minutes should do it
