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Saturday, November 12, 2022

Visit after getting home from EA


Big news, although I was short on the snacks while Beau was getting in his steps, we got it done. Hes pushy on treats and I worked out w/o any for all of his different tricks.

Well I could not get him to walk up the hill behind the barn back door,  backwards, he only walked up 1/2 way like 3 times. I had to back him down and start again. The grass is so disctractive and he yanked my arm to get grass over and over. I found myself trying to secure him back on task. It was not the right move. 

Another problem is that I should have used the method that I have always used.

I always use snacks to get him motivated, he works best. Today I didnt use them until late in the day. I need to remember to keep using the treats as treats.

Great news,I was able to do the excersice correctly to get him to do his butt tucks. I am so proud of him. Now we will keep getting them done to have him to continue to meet up during the week.

Beau was happy to see me but he also was sort of missing me getting him going on excercises. He needs me to go see him one night a week.

Had some great new snacks called, Dimples and they are sofft and molases and fiber filled, they smell so good. All the horses loved them <3

Patti was there with Sienna. Sienna let Patti ride her w/no bit just a halter. it was great.

I went through Fukes tack chest last week

It was pretty dirty not organized found our bit less bridle

After finding his tongue with the horrific scar from an accident possible in his race days. I want to make sure Beau knows he’s lives and respected he would be a good boy I think

Train him on the bit less

Also Saturday I rushed Beaus fun

I need to just be there some days ❤️ Show him the  love. My sweet boy

I’m calling Dave to get his feet corrected ASAP 

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