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Friday, November 25, 2022

Friday & Sat


Really different day at the barn, everyone was there just like yesterday, even scottie was there. Patty must have gone over alot earlier. Kristin was doing the chores. She had texted me if Beau could go out at like 10am or so. I let her know he was all set.

Because there were do many cars and so much gong on, I went up to Beau's paddock to work out. He really didnt like it at first. I think I want to use his paddock to do alot of our work. Why go in the arena when I have a really large paddock that I can make nice. His water
looked kind of terrible and the hay was kinda crappy.  I tried to get him to lung but he knows Im terrible and he just kept being a good boy and turning as He thought I was asking him to turn from the back. Ill need more lunging help meaning instructions. 
He seemed to understand that I think his paddock is in good shape. Not too much mud only near the gate. I went to the fence and climbed up on it. He came over to me, I was wondering if his old owner did the thing I used to do to get up on Duke. Jump on the fence and climb on his back. I want to see if he would do this. I may just hang out in his paddock, climb on his back, get a set of reins on his little mouth. 

We walked around and did a trip through the woods. He acts a bit spooky for me to take him out in the woods alone. He wants to jerk his head around or jump at nothing.Well as I took him out of the paddock and brought him into the grass area, we went to the right into the end of the paddocks to the woods. Then into the woods through the trail made from gravel. I could see that the woods has changed alot back there.  I think that all the construction stuff has made the areas change, a road up into the woods where it was just a path before. I could see the milk truck from the clearing as both Beau and I looked deeply into the woods as we walked.

I turned him around many times to see everything. Like were we were, where we were going and Where we had been. So he didnt get spooked by the strange areas. Im going to keep taking him to interesting areas to get him curious about his world again.  As we came down the hill from the woods behind the bulldozer type vehicles, Beau spotted Sienna on the road with Patty walking. He was so happy to see her. He was confused at the land we were at ad tried to put it in to perspective. "have I been here before?". "I think this could be familiar". I could see that he was very interested to return to the barn area that he was familiar. I think we should keep going for interesting walks over the coming weeks.

The best part of the day was that Beau seemed to understand that the work we are doing at the mounting block. We did some walking around and some stopping, some running and working on Woah. I think I a using is as stay still or dont more too. So I set him up at the block with a Woah and then reminded him to keep still with a woah. Counted to 10 and kept the low Woah to keep him still. Then I kept him at Woah and stepped to the top of the mounting block. He stayed still. Then I saw he "got it". He did 3 perfect woah stayed still 10 seconds and then stepped up to top of mounting block, still know walking away.
What a good boy.
Patty was busy took Sienna out and down the road. 


Val and I went over to the barn, THe barn was packed, the arena had a potetnial leaser on Kinsey with Kristin, June Kristie and Patti and I. When I pulled in with Val, Sienna and Patty were walking over to the grass, and then they turned and went over to driveway and met us in the side of the girls paddock fence. I got some of my peppermint soft molasses and oatmeal bites.

It was about 50+ degrees, I was happy that is wasnt too cold for us. The sun was bright at the barn.
Both Joleit and Spice like to come to the fence and Val likes to greet them and give thim a treat too.
We weret there too long but it was stil pretty great. We went to O'Connor hardware first and did some shopping, Val liked the hardware store that gives us free bag of popcorn and a lolipop too.


Friday after Thanksgiving and a nice afternoon with Beau

The Horses are in the temps in the 50s Beau walking outside was nice. He was happy to get out. Krystie said that the horses were in yesterday, Thanksgiving and then today because it was a bit rainy.

I kept Beau to just a few things in our workout today, small amount of walking, there were lots of trucks and tractors running all over the place at tehe barn so I didnt feel like it was a solid day to walk around outside for too long, only around the barn and sort of down around the driveway.

About 40+ steps backwards and up the hill backwards. We walked around  Maybe a mile or so. He did his cross overs in the back very well.

For his left back hoof I took a bread bag some water and a folded ripped towel wetted. With peroxide and water.  Put his back hoof in the bag and tied it up, Then petted Beau and held him to relax for a few minutes. 
He did the funniest thing trying to get the bag off after about 10 min He jumped around like the cats do when they have somethig on their backlegs. it was really cut but also dangerous. 
I put him in the stall so he could relax. Then we went out into the arena. 
We worked out did our crossovers he’s getting better. The back legs crossing went well. It was a good visit and also not bad for a rainy day.

In the 50s. BeUs in light 

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