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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Weekend working with this guy getting strong

Just amazing weekend Saturday worked out with Beau walked around the farm and in the arena, started doing serpentines with him. Patti and Sienna joined us and we worked out both Sat and Sunday in the arena. The tempature was 75 degrees each day.
Saturday I was with George in the orning and then headed home to grab some water and head over.
so much going on because of the new horse coming in.
June Patti and I were the only ones at the barn and it was heaven.  
Beau did his 60 backward steps. Hes really getting good. We did the turns and I can see that his feet get sore when we work the turns, his back leg gets tired and then in place of turning, Beau starts to walk backwards, he will do it as much as I ask. Very sweet boy. I am fortunate. 

Sunday is was completely warm again but not as much as yeasterday when it was humid and th ehorses began to sweat. I looked at Beaus water and it didnt look very good. I was a bit sad. I noticed that June was sweet to Muke who was in his stall and was feeling a bit lonely. She opened his stall and gave him some love I think she brushed him too. A real sweet thing to be payin gattention to that guy. I really like Muke.
Oh on the second day it was sort of a crazy day. The time change made it so that I was kinda of not very organized. I met up with Patti around 1pm. She had plans to wait for Krisitn and do a practice trailer walk in. Well it was getting to sound like alot of crap. They were telling her to Ace Seinna so she would relax on the ride. and be easy going. Patti did not want to drug her horse. I felt bad for her. Seinna was on teh cxross ties and so was Beau so she could hear us and she became concenred. 
We worked out in the arena both days and on Sunday I did a terrible lunge job with Beau. Patti watched. She gets into it. I can only get better but Beau is very good.

Seinna is getting her teeth done on Tuesday because they are achy Kerri said. I thin kshe will feel better soon. Well Patti teted me that Beau was all upset when he saw Sienna getting on a trailer.
He likes her, like a boyfriend. 
I think we will start ot work out together and then maybe even ride out in the field. I will keep working with Beau until he starts to like it.
Decided today that I was going to take Val to Equine Affiare. I can just skip some of the boring stuff, and go to the shows and the breeder barn <3  

Beau is so sweet now, I think he like me so much
He doesnt cry back to the paddock to complain to his herd.
Im starting to really fall for him <3

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