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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Bit less bridle fits

 Yesterday the temps were 68 70 warm 

Today pouring rain 47 degrees, driving over to barn at 2pm.  Kayla I guess was selling her trailer there were cars and trucks all over the place it all over the front of the barn

Wish she did it someplace else like at hay barn we’re all the trailers are.  because it’s inconsiderate to block off the barn fir some stoker sake. 

But anyway who knows. Thought was new horse

Beau was really glad to see me With all the rain the horses were in the barn of course

I realized that yesterday I rushed him too much, today having a relaxing pace made all the difference. We had snacks and did our exercises with Sienna. I like that Patti has been joining Beau with doing the Serpentines swerving back and forth in the arena not a figure 8 but a 3 curved loop. Better for his sides.

I do have to work on him using his head and bumping me. 
We worked on standing still at the mounting block. He did good today. I need to reward him for staying still and for keeping still while I step onto the mounting block. I almost think he acts like, "Whats a mounting block? What is going on here?".

When outside and walked around. We were able to to a ton of backward steps, I know hes trying but after 10 he bumped me today.  need to get him to not bump for snacks. Its a bad look for him. Ill get there.
Also Patti really helped me get the bitless on Beau. Shes got some experiences with the Bitless that she uses. 

We did the butt tucks today. Hes really moving along. I think I need to go over there on Thursday night so that I can see him 3 days a week instead of just 2 days a week. 

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