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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Lesson lunging with Beau

 The other day when I was trying to lunge Beau and I had soemthing go wrong and he stopped and came right to me, I knew I had made a mistake on what I was communicating with him. Decided to not keep messing him up. Krystyn today said, someone spent alot of time with this boy. Hes had a ton of training I think. Beau is a professional

I got to the barn a little bit late. Krystyn was standing at the front waitig. I went over with my pad and got my lunge line. June was doing something and wanted to go intto the arena. I am not very comfortable with June's comments. I talked to Krystyn for a wile so June could go into the arena with Africa and ride a bit, keeping her fit is importnat. She said, I wont say a word, I let June know it was more about having peple around than saying a word. I just dont feel as good when their are people lurking. 

Krystyn went over lunging

keep the rope in the left hand and the whip in the right. 

when I want him to go I need to start out close to him

Stay behind his shoulder and slowly back up.

He started to lunge, he was really a complete pro <3

So proud of that boy

Then when starting him to lunge the whip arm is up and when he starts if you put the whip line down he will continue lunging

Then keep the rope in your hands and step back. 

Keep behind his shoulder as he circles me.

Then if you are going to start again, 

Reel in the line and switch hands.

Then start on the other side.

about 10 minutes should do it


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