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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Weekend Saturday visit so short

Wes is got RSV and I am watching him today, he didnt sleep at all. He was tired an dkept asking if we could go for a ride. I know I needed to see Beau today. It turned out that I was able to take Wes for a ride in the truck, get gas and drive around so he could go to sleep. When I got to the barn he was out like a light. Patti was there and she said she'd keep an eye on Wes so I could go run and bring in Beau. I had a few apples and Sienna isnt healed enough to eat anhthing that isnt soft. I didnt take a pic just spent time with Beau and then jumped in the truck and left He woke up just in time. Patty is so kind she had a halter made for Beau with his name and it is leather iwth blue padded. Its just beautiful I will put in a picture toorrow when I give it to him.

Sunday visit 
Only about 1 1/2 with Beau but he was so happy to be taken in by me
When he saw me hi turned to Bee 🐝 and Tucker and said in a horse voice
I was getting him and he gets special treatment ❤️
Its so cute to see him with his paddock neighbors.
He trotted into the barn just like Duke sed to do.
I think that new Red sweater hes wearing his helped his confidance.
I just have to make sure he doesnt poke me from behind and also that hes keeps his dissance when we walk together.

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