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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving Eve warm sunny time to soak his sore hoof

 Really beautiful sky tonight as the sun was getting ready to set

The horses were all tucked in seemed early to me but Beau was sort of smling looking up from his hay munching in his stall. Im not sure that he was feeling like walking around with me but after I put his new halter on he was happy to walk out and get grass in the sunshine and walk in the arena to stretch out.  

After that we only walked backwards a little bit maybe 25 steps in front of the barn.   We walked out to the end of the driveway and then back into the barn to get back to our chores. 

I knew he didnt feel good so I walked in the arena with him doing our serpentines and then practices standing still listening to me at the mounting block and we finished up with some light trotting. Then we did some cross tie but tucks before finishing off with soaking his back hoof in warm water and peroxide. I brought a big bucket, I think he is not comfortable yet.

I was so happy to just brush him out. Hes been a little bit dusty uin his fur and no blanket tonight. He. I know that he was probably

I talked with Patty and she mentioned that she thinks that Beau had a nice life before Greenwood, where he was treated very well.

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