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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday short little workout and visiting

Bruins game at 7 I figured I would run over to the barn and get a some of Beau exercises going. I am worried that I wont get over on Saturday because Wes has RSV the kids respiratory virus. Ill be at his home taking care of him. He prob wont feel good enough to visit the barn unfortunately.

Well its really dark out at the barn, no light. I really think thats not ok, they need to keep the barn safe. Anyway, doors closed and I didnt know who was there. Opened my door and it was Kristie was riding her horse in the arena. I called Beau's name and he walked over to me in his stall. I was going to put on the bitless but it still is strange ot me so I just put on a really beautiful exercise rope halter. I really like how it looks and seems more comfortable.

ANyway we did his beautiful fur still not good with his feet. This week I talked to Dave and he is away in Kentucky or something and will be back next week to do Beau's feet.  After I brushed him out. Hes very soft, I held him in my arms and he seemed to really love me. I know he likes the snacks.  He is not standing at the mounting block good enough but I am going to start to test him. 

Next time I think I will block out the doors and stand on the block and see if comes over so I can get on him. I think it could be helpful. I didnt do it today because I didnt have his bit in and the training halter has a rope on it. Also I think he wanted to lunge because he's running along with me alot. 

He did his steps about 60 backwards he did his turns both sides and we walked about a mile.

We were also able to .

Hes also trying to walk sideways when I ask him. Its amazing.

I know when he goes to the left turn (I think) he has a hard time doing the side steps. I love that he tries. Also when he gets tired of the side turns he will just go backwards because it is less stressful on his leg. I am seeing that he most likely has an injury on his back leg. I am not sure if he can take weight but I think he can. I hope to god hes not in pain.

I enjoyed our time in the arena doing our exercises. 
Kristie was working with her horse and she seems very happy. She is doing lots of stuff and her horse seems like a real nice guy. I like him. I Hope shes will be good to him.

Sienna's stitches will dissolve Patty said. I texted her she usually is at teh barn at 2pm o Thursday but Patty said that she's still in Waltham and not able to come to see Sienna.  Sienna got plenty of soft snacks and also some pieces of apple. She didnt seem to mind Beau much today. She didnt kick up her feet nearly as much as usual. I let Patty know that she was a good girl today.

While Beau and I were in the arena the wind blew through the door and slammed loud (the doors that faces the paddocks) and Beau jumped up I told him he was safe and that he should just woah. He turned toward me and seemed to be calmed by me being there. 

Also I think he wants to run in the arena or do some lunging.  Hes really working out. HOpe his back leg is ok. 

Il post a pic of him in the cross ties feeling good.

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