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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Much better today groundwork on the road

Yesterday at the barn wasnt the best with Duke, he was really a pushy jerk and was a little too close when I put him in the arena. He kicked and acted like he wasnt my horse at all. I felt a little terrible, honestly for the first time every I questioned my relationship with him. I think I let the shitty things that have been happening lately get the best of me. I know hes a sweet loving horse who loves to be busy.

Today we went out walking. I had my cleats and because I dont come in the morning all of the time is for him.  When I come on Saturdays I am working on the stalls and then hanging with Bonnie and Krystyn. Lunch and other stuff.  Last week I was there for a while and I had not really worked as much as I would like. I took Duke into the arena and he did pretty good, I let him do some round penning he went arouhnd like 3 times. I didnt want to push it so I thought that was good. I realize that I wasnt feeling as good as I could of and actually skipped going on Sunday. THis made me feel like I wasnt spending enough time iwth Duke. Now realize that there was lots of stuff going on and I had been really busy but I think even going over for a 2 hours or even 1 hour is better than not going over.  So if the weather is bad and the roads are terrible I will not go over but if I can I should go over in the afternoon.  I need to keep being with him and working out with him.  My life isnt too busy for him.  <3.  I wondered if he noticed I cut back on visiting and he might resent me a little bit.
Today I got there and it was only Kristin Ann, with Kinsey. Shes funny kinda quirky Im not sure if shes happy.  I think its hard to work like she does with her horses and also do that barn work that shes signed up for.  Well I said hi and then went and got Duke,  I spoke firmly as I opened the gate. I walked over directly to Duke and spoke to him sternly that we were going to work together today. I walked him over ot te gate no snacks and out we went.  He didnt pull to the ground and I had my cleats so I could walk on the ice with no problem.  I decided to go right out, walk on the drivceway out to the road. I wasnt sure he doesn this thing with his head, he throws it up. I was working with him on being on hte lead line. I brought a crop and started to work the training exercise I learned from Phil whitemore.  It works every time. WE went out to te first speedbump. I wanted to go to Bonnies house and then let him graze but its been so long and I havent had the confidance to bring him out because hes been rearing up for no reason. Not today,  hes going to focus on me and my ovice. The jerk up on the hill started yelling and then Duke did like a concerning look. I told him he better be worried about my voice and me yelling at him for not paying attention. We did the 3 steps back with a rewaqrd of a pat and atfter his first several successes he became more relaxed.  Even so I turned around we we went back no grass picking in the field and finally I let him graze at the front of te barn on teh side.  WE walked around the barn, both sides visiting the other boys on the hill and then back down the raod. Hes better but still didnt want to have him too far. Back to the barn, spa day, treated his hoofs, his itchy tail and brushed him out conditioned his big tail with some of the special stuff.
The tempature was like 41 degrees out. Easy to where a few layers.
Dukes general condition was good he tripped about 3 times as we walked. I was worried he may have been fatuqued. I said that Id let him back into his stall after we worked. I spend lots of time working on his fur, took off one of his chestnuts on his back leg.  Treated his itchy tail with the itchy tail stuff. brushed out his tail. Treated it with swoe of the stuff I never use. I need to buy some Showsheen but its so expensive. Ill need to drive over to Horsemans exchange to get some.
Well he was sweet as I was taking care of him, he pooped on Lilys blanket, I found that kinda fresh.  Kristin was doing the stalls and water today. She said that she doestn get too much help, either Krystyn or Bonnie helps her.  Today she said Kayla was there ad it was very helptul. I took a crop today on the walk, I thnk it gave me confidance. Im not sure why but I tink it did.  The weather was beautufl cloudy but it looked like it might snow with teh clouds.

Boys in the paddock, Houdni Duke

Seems like 2 weeks ago after Duke and I had a weekday lesson, Duke was very stiff.
The rock hard ice in the paddock is bad for him. Hes got his shoes but its hard to walk in he ice.
Hes been getting along great with the boys, Doc was alittle jerky yesetrday but all of the other days hes been much better behaved.  I have bonded wiht Muke too. I spend tme in the paddock with them. Yesterday Doc got too pushy out side but it was the apple thing.
Im going to keep trying.
Krystyn said over the past few weeks, Duke has broken out of his paddock area while they were cleaning and ran out into the field they had to chase him.
Then later he broke out of the stall and raised hell in the ailses snacking and tearing things apart.
Last week I had said I hadnt been there so it wasnt me. Krystyn admitted she closed that day.
Bonnie said it was her she left the lock too lose. Its pretty funny when they do it.
Last week visited for about 3 hours, cleaned stalls and worked with Duke but didnt do as much as usual. Feeling like Im not as engaged lately need to up my Duke time.
Asked Krystyn if GEorge could go into the arena for a while before June took it over. Last week he was there for like 2 hours and he wqas so cute. Yesterday only about 10 min or less. Glad to see him happy.

[POST PICKS FROM:  In the paddock and picks of Duke aqnd George running around

Christmas Time its been shorter visits

I have been cut back on visits to see Duke. Im hoping its not because Im worried about him. Hes been working with Krystyn and myself on the off day of the week (Wed Tues or Thurs) when Krystyn has some extra time.  Two weeks ago I was explaining to Krystyn of how Duke does not like to be ridden and especially in the arena he veers to the left.  I tacked him before she got there. The month of Nov to Dec was terribly cold and snow eadh week sometimes 2 storms 3 snows in one week. This makes it more diffcult to get to the barn.  Well I tacked him we worked on mounting in the arena an then I got on, Duke had done good. Well I went around one time and he looked very uncomfortable. He scaredmme with his actions.  I sometimes thinks he may not likeme  but it comces down to the fact that maybe hes in pain. Maybe his saddle is very uncomfortable on him and he back is not up to being ridden.
Well This week I as was working with him, he was particularly pushy, kicking nearme.  when I was working with Krystyn she reminded me that I need to not let that happen. This stuck in my head, why was he doing this? Was I not hard enough on him? I think I need to use the whip.
He is ok with the treetment and I like how Krystyn incorporates it into the training.
I feel like Im missing out on the ground work that we used to do and then I would walk him on the road.
Yesterday the stupid car was racing its motor made me uncomfortable.
Should I be walking him on the road but I have since stopped doing that.
For Christmas I order him a treeless saddle that is treeless and its an endurance saddle.  Krystyn had said that June used one on her horse and that it was helpful. It was on Africa the older horse.
Idlike to stop using my current status on his working.
He cxrowds me in the arena hes fine to handle around the farm. I think Ill put in my cleats and walk around outside. Avoiding the arena may be better for me.
Last week I was getting him ready for his picture and he was so jumpy iwth th Alpacas. I blamed them but I still concerned that its not really the alpacas but hes just too jumpy.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thanksgiving visit with Duke

Quiet beautiful barn with sweet Lily sticking her head out to say hi when I drove up. Doors open but the wind wipped all over. I grabbed a hate. I  felt cold. On the holiays the barn is covered lightly. so I thought I would bring over the extra meds for Dukes arthitis, Previcox. put in th eoffice.
Brought a giant bag of carrots. I fed all of them on one side and then a little over the other side.
Grabbed the halter and worked iwht Duke in the arena. Hes been better than last week. I decided if June is there hes terrible. He just needs to be focused. I know for a fact that Krystyns help will pay off for me.
I can uplaod a pic later.

Shorter visits and, missing my Duke

Its been crazy lately on the weekends I havent had teh hours I like to spend over with him shortened to 2 hours we dont get to do as much. I had gotten to the barn late and missed helping with the chores. my head hurt form some kind of a gluten thing.
I went over on Saturday and June was working out Cisco. She said hello from the arena. I was brushing him out after I had gotten him from the paddock.  Doc/Dusty is getting better and having Muck next to them both is great. I saw Duke standing over with Muck in the sun.  Makes me feel great. As I come over now, Doc respects me and allows Duke (doesnt get in his face and block him) to come over and be taken out. I bring snacks for the family (Doc, Duke and Muck) . I shew Doc away when its time to get Duke out the gate.  Things have improved dramatically.
Well back to the story. Duke was covered a bit with the crusty black mud. Its fun to groom him and love it.
As I was brushing him out and treating his itchy tail June said if I wanted to go into the arena there was time before her lesson with Krystyn taking some video of Ciscos progress etc.
I was a little bit hesitant to take him in becicase I was just going to sort of hang out but reluctantly I went in with him. He was just about the worst he'd been in a while.  Like I said hes terrible ehen ever June is at the barn. Well he was kinda jerky but did get his exercise. I walked him a bit and then finished his brushing. I decided that he needed some exercise and I had really diciiplined him at the arena when he was misbehaving. We went out down the road. It went well and I left on a good note. :)
Got him all cleaned up took the walk and grazed in the field. When he returned in the paddock I felt much bettter. And again the guys in the paddock are much better than last winter.  Looking forward to some time with Dusty snacking too.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sat Equine Affaire, Sunday training, workout and grooming

This years Equine Affire was interesting as it always is. Went with our nieghbor and her daughter. It was very focused on the 6 year old from the beginning and I knew I had a lot of things to do for the event. Made a plan on what I wanted to get done, shopped got new boots that were on sale 75 dollars, new Ariates and then Dunbarry boots for Ashley. 

I stopped at almost all of the rescues that I could find, Gerdas used tack and contest, Blue someting rescue donkeys, Dorsett, Farm rescueing the horses.

Fantasia was amazing with Phil Whitmore's award winning Drill Team, met the kids they were amazing great attitudes and all smiles.  Looked so good I had some nice video of them too.There was a woman from Action doing dressage on a beautiful horse, some trick trainings where the patient grey percheron was so great. The Australian Dan who was doing some of the horse spins and quick stops, his horse was amaing. I talked to Krystyn and she thinks hes too rough on the horses, unneeded for training. I liked how honest she was. I attended a . nice talk in the coliseum called Chris Cox and the talk was, Is it me or is it my horse.

I had a great time and I thought the MGM was really fun. If I had attended with an adult it would have gone a lot differently.  I wonder if I would drive  alone and

Sunday, November 3, 2019

First Cold Weekend Nov Alpacas and Dukes doing good

Saturday, I was up in NH iwht April when Krystyn gave me a note, she asked if I could help her clean up the stall for the new Alpacas we were picking up iwth Liv on Sunday. So exciting, I made sure my heair was almost perfect and then I rushed down to the house to change and run over to the barn. When I got there pretty late the stalls were still not finished and Bonnie and Krysten were very busy but really smiilng. Duke was in the paddock and I slipped him an apple before talking with the ladies.  There was another new horse coming the one from Bobbys did not decide to follow through. Not a problem because she may not be able to fit. Greenwood has alot going for a horse owner whos looking for a rich experience for her horse and her too.  Luckily Krystyn is a trainer and doing lots of work with the horses at the stable. Oh yeah Duke got his shots last week, 30 bucks and hes ok

Anyway, so many good things happened I want to list them now.  Duke was able to be taken out of paddock without Dock acting up.  Duke did excellent work in the arena although he only wants to go one way, its ok because he has issues. We were able to walk approx 2 miles together did a small farm walk and a warm up in arena and then his work out. I did quite a few stalls to pitch in and the best news is that Imgoing over to get the Alpacas with Liv, Bonnie Krystyn in Sudbury on route 27.
Im so happy. Duke was excited to do his work out, he rolled like a puppy over and over then jumped up iwth no problems. I had plenty o apples and was able to share with all of the horses. I like how Muck, Doc and Duke stand otgether. I find that Duke is somewhat happier. Hes feet were absolutely soaked iwth mud I dried out his feet while walking in the arena and brushed off his mud brushed him out. His tail and coat look amazing, so good. I thought this summer was a touch time and he looked ouchy and stiff many days. Hes better now!  Hope to keep it going all winter into 2020
Hes been so good, I just love him so much.
Even that I didnt take his picture it just doesnt matter hes looking so healthy fat and happy. Hes an older horse but he looks like a million bucks. We will keep working out each week with Krystyn all winter and then I hope to be able to do some riding in arena and then the fileld.
today Ill be going to get the alpacas with the barn ladies and with Liv.

She said no payment, meet at 1030 her house, Im meeting over at the barn at 1010 so Im leaving here at 930, so very exciting <3
Ill do a couple of chores and head out.
Heres some pictures from Sunday after we came back from the alpacas Kristie and Johnny

Monday, October 28, 2019

Back to lessons with Krystyn

I starting this post so that I can upload the pics from our lesson today. Its been so long.Im going to go over early so I can get him ready.
ABout 54 degrees so that I could wear a sweatshirt. I was there before Krystyn and Kristin Ann was there with Kensey. She had teh arena with the sprinkler, she commented she didnt see me before at night. I felt a little funny about it. I just think shes never there when Im there in the later days in teh week.  Krystyn was a little preoccupied with Kristin and It annoyed me a little but I think I was happy enough, hoping it doesnt happen again. It became dark outside quick so we were going to be working in the arena. Duke was sweet when I got there and I took him out and brushed him, did his feet ad tail. He was so sweet and gentle when putting his halter on. Hes very cooperative. It felt great.
I let Krystyn know that I was interested to see how Duke will do standing, just waiting and standing.
He did absolutely perfect in the arena, better than before. Krystyn said hes changing when asked and he was on target for every request. I did not work iwth him only watched, Ill need to help him get into working out regularly. I think we'll be riding in the arena through the winter and keepign with the lessons thru the winter.  Im looking forwqard to maybe going into the fields if hes ready.
Im feeling good about this winter because hes showing he wants to work.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Great rainy Sunday

Im still smiling because of this guy.  He was so talkative, in his stall just beggin to gett out. When I get his halter he just so gently puts his head in. I gave him an apple right away, no waiting like usual.  We went into the areana. Kristin Ann, was getting Kensey ready. She looked good, I said I wanted to get Duke out with a little bit of work in the arena if it worked for her. She was happy to see him in and still tacking up.  Well I put him in the llead line as we walked over I had put up on of the boards so we could run freely. I never really know how well things will go but I walked Duke around a bit first I could see he was better than yesteraday where he was terrible, jumpy about the hawk in rafters. He was not comfortable walkingl Iwas worried about his leg and Im not as good as some noticing a sore or stiff leg.
Well I got the switch and walked out to the arena and right away he was ready to run with a the lung in the round pen. I was as proud as I could be, he was running back kicking now and then and really excited, happy to be there. He did more than 3 rounds running totally. I knew that was enough. So proud then he came running toward me, I stopped him with the whip and the hand. He reared up so beautiful. We walked a bit more, I left the arena and he slowly found a nice spot and rolled, It was perfect. 
I brought him back to his stall into the cross ties and he was just perfect. I scratched his itches, brushed him out did his tail. then scratched his body all around iwht the comb. Did his hoofs too.
It was so great. I gave Duke a couple "thanks good boy" apples.
Between the visits with Val and all the other times hes been so patient since I had to cut stuff down because of the wedding planning.
Its so good to back to normal.  <3 . Duke is having his lessons pick back up iwht Krystyn tomorrow at 6pm. Great News!

Dukes Massage

Duke was signed up for his equine massage with Michelle Clark. It went well for the first one but Im a little concerned about his appts. They are not convenient for me.I hope that they will be more on my schedule because when I first talked about the sessions of course they were going to be times I could come. I think that Duke benifitted from it. I didnt really see if he felt better in the long run but I think its left to be seen.
It was a good value the next one is 65 but Im not sure when shes coming back.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Next lesson Ill be in the arena with Krystyn riding Duke

Catching up on Dukes lessons over the past 7 or so. He started just doing round pen and we watched his walking.The last 4 lessons I put his saddle on whether we were going to work on the mounting block of even ride it was optional.
Today Krystyn then worked on his patience at the mounting block. Last week in front of Kristin we had been working out in the outside ring and when we came to do our usual practice at the block, I only had to step up nd he stayed straight while I testing him by standing still, he stood too without moving away from the block. It was impressive.  The weeks before he had taken so much time t ofinally listen. Krystyn was using the lunging whip. ?Well he was in the arena and Krystyn wants me to learn to stare him by giving him leg cues and keeping him on track. Today he passe with flying colors while she rode him and esting him around the arena.
It was great, maybe next week.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Dukes starting back to training with Krystyn

Ran over to the barn  on a Friday night after work to meet with Krysyn for Duke's lesson. It was a good too. Duke and krystyn on outside arena.  Duke looks amazing, he really tried hard to do all of the things that

Back from vacation so happy to be back

Last weekend I was able to see Duke on both days.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Visit with my brother

funny day, got a text from my brother asking if I would be at the barn that day. I said yes but I was slowly getting things done at home and I wanted to make sure I did my Duke stuff before they came. I said how about 1pm. They came right on time with their grand daughter Molly. She was an active little girl that seemed terribly spoilt. But Dennis was happy so everything was nice. Karen, Melinda and her husband came too.  It was nice, little did they know that a an hour or so before Duke was stuck under the fence again in the outside paddock because it was hot and strange that day with a chance of thunder storms.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Poor Duke, rolled under the fence - Then relaxing day in the paddock

Kystyn took this picture before the guys came up to help free Duke from being pinned under fence.

Bonnie and Krystyn texted me at like 10am, Duke had rolled under the fence and they needed help to get him. Luckily Nick and 2 other guys were able to come to help get him back rolled and up again. Scary for Duke. When I got there at 12 or so he was limping around the paddock.

I talked to Bonnie and Krystyn for a while and then helped on the other side with a few stall. Then spent time cleaning the saddle, tlaking to Krystyn and Bonnie and snacking on salad.
I got out my western roper saddle and cleaned it up iwth saddle soap and then used some oil on it. Did it out on the front of the barn door.

Then cleaned my boy and gave him an apple.
I went out in the paddock with Duke. Put a small tie around Dukes halter and then one of the posts in the back of the paddock. The mud was soooo deep until you get to the very back of the paddock near the fence.  There it was standable. I brought the curry comb and some spray for his tail. I brushed all of the mud out of his coat.  Brushed out his tail and conditioned it.
SUNDAY. Busy all day, went to dinner at BBW in Westford, then headed over to get groceries then of to see about Duke.  Although it was raining most of the mornng, Duke and the guys got out in the sun.  I was happy to hear.

I took Duke into the arena and grabbed the small whip to use for the round pen work. Well Duke did great, I was able to check out his back leg, Although I thought he was gooing to be stiff, limping and not happy to lunge.  He was not limping running around and turning wasnt in the cards today but he did a nice job in the open arena.  Hes just amazing <3

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

3rd Lunging lesson for Duke and me

Left work ran home for coffee and then meeting Krystyn for our lesson. I was running late. texted her that I was on the way.  Im happy to be continueing our lessons with Duke.  Krystyn seems to really enjoy working with him.  Breaking News, Duke loves the work we are doing. Im so very proud of him. 
When I got there Patti and June had just gotten back from a ride.  Big smiles, Patti rode Townes they said. June was just beaming.  Krystyn was waiting patiently.  She asked me if I wanted to work inside or outside. I thought which one was better for Duke or me?  Well I think the footting in the arena was much better than the footing in the large paddock.  The mud from the rain and the horses have made a mess with the ground. 
Krystyn was good, she was happy to work on our training with Duke.   We started out into the arena and Krystyn had the whip.  Duke was ready as soon as I took his lead line off.  I stood behind Krystyn as she worked with him and they rounded each of the turns in the arena.  She was careful to explain things to me. After a while we gave Duke a break.  We worked at the end of the exercises of moving back and forth in circles around me and her.  She would turn her back and he would sometimes come to her and I.  She then gave him a loving pat on the side of his neck. 
I didnt groom him we just went right into the arena work.
We worked him out for like about 20 min and then we took another rest. 
I need to keep myself behind his shoulders, keep the whip behind his butt and face my body and point to the area that I want him to more.  He reads the posture position and the eye contact very well.  I need to back up swiftly to keep him from undermining the plan.
Krystyn said that if he turns away to go around then hes disrespecting me.  Doing it his way instead of what I am asking of him.  I especially enjoy how he is coming out of his shell running the entire arena and listening to the cues for his direction.  Im so proud.
Today I had more confidance in working with him with the whip.
We talked more about working out his problems so I can get back on the trails. I forgot to share that he shakes his head alot when we are going out on the trails. He refuses to go into certian areas and that I felt less confidant that i had for years.  This friend of mine became less of a trustworthy friend and more of a jerky boy.  Well we are going to work on all of these issues so hes himself again and riding on the Greenwood trails iwht me as I always dreamed. Im patient but Krystyn thinks hes taking advantage of my gentle and care nature.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Dukes dewormed, tail cleaned, treated and lunging tomorrow

I drove toward the barn on Greenwood road.  I could see Stacie's car and the car of Bonnies it was still early and I could get aWhen I got to the barn Stacie was about to mount Townes in the front of the barn in the view of Bonnie and Krystyn. I cannot think this is a good idea. I asked her if she should wait and said that I didnt think it was good for her. She laughed and said she can get on but cant get off. Cant reach the stops. I then realized that I was lucky I can jump right off.

Stacie was freaking me out a little bit riding while she is recovering from such a huge injury. I was totally uncomfortable helping her onto Townes. Then she was telling me that Townes tried to kill her by bucking and rearing.  Seems terrible that she would take such a chance. the goats were out.  Its like Duke doesnt like the goats. Townes seemed fine.
Washed up Duke hung out with Bonnie and Krystyn and just spent lots of time with Duke on the cross ties, exercising and cleaning his tail, hoofs, mane and now he puts his head down to brush his hair on his head.  Im really loving how muh he has grown.  Im such a lucky human friend of this guys.  <3

Starting training again both of us, love to play together

Saturday & 

Still beaming from our lesson with Krystyn on Sunday. This guy has my heart ♞♡

Over the winter I had been sharing with Bonnie and Krystyn about how much energy Duke had when we went for walks and how hes been so excited in the Arena when we had been doing so great with his ground work. His ground work became work outs with Wild child. Was he sick, was he mad at me for not running with him anymore?  Did his back hurt?  Why was he always communicating in a wild way when we did our warm ups?  Hes not a young horse but was always full of energy for the past year its been growing Rearing bucking. who is he?  He never did anything like that at Bobbys.
This weekend he got his dewormer, tail treatment, hoof treatment, brushed top to bottom, especially on Saturday we were on the cross ties and he was top to bottom.  On Sunday.

Bonnie always said its because hes feeling better. I wanted to think that, but was it impossible, how could he be feeling better?  So last week I was warming him up in the arena and we are walking and he starts to jump, rear and buck as I walked. I didnt think it was a good idea.  He was getting into my space a little too much and he reared up high. So I unhooked him and walked out of arena so he could freely run around, buck and rear.

Last week,  Fred was watching as we were warming up in the arena walking a steady pace. I got out of the way so Duke who had just become unruly, could jump and spin around from one side of the arena to the other filled with energy.  Then he kcpt going, bucking and letting some farts into the air. He ran around the corners just bounding with energy.

Just loving the feeling of freedom. I was so proud.  But then I was confused a a little scared too.
Then this Saturday he did it again after I finished my 2 stalls that Bonnie left me.  He was so wild that I stopped my ground work warm up that I thought he needed and then talked to Krystyn,  I asked he if she thought he was ok doing all of the acrobatics.  She and Bonnie said yes this is a wonderful sign. I said I thought he might be a little bit fresh and I wanted to make sure he was safer  and respectful too with me and not understanding that he could hurt me.  I asked if she would teach me to to lunge. She said yes she would. I asked about the next day. Even though I knew we were going to be working with Joe and Ashley to get ready for the baby, Valerie.

Well Sunday came and I was so excited to get over there and meet Krystyn. Bonnie gave me the best Grandmother's card and a bag full of wonderful gifts for Valerie. Then she went over to house and Krystyn met me in the arena as I brought Duke in.  She got the switch,  she went over with the lung line and connected. She started the process he picked up right way. listening to her and actually impressing her with his listening skills. She went a few times and exerciesed him nicely. I said that hes been using the whole arena to run around and that his actions and energy seem to be bigger. I tried the lunging and I was ok at it.  I kept walking in front of his front leg and that was the cue for him to stop the lunge. She kept the working with him.  After we talked about lunging she said he'd be better maybe if we tried open lunging. Well she opened it up and he was so perfect. He did things I had never heard,  She called over Kristen and then June came in too. Everyone watched as my big boy ran and listened. I love how he looked at me.

I have such a wonderful friend with him. I have never had such a great love.  His looks at me reassured me that he was very happy.  Krystyn said she wants to make sure that I can lung because the bond with us is so strong that we'll do good.
She was impressed with how he had changed direction on cue, stopped on cue used the whole arena moving as she commanded to him.  He was loving it as he clipped the edges of the areas where June and Krysten were watching.  I was so proud.  He has made my heart full of love and appreciation for his dedication.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Finally back with Duke

Was able to have an afternoon iwth Duke again. I missed him so much. Usually I spend my birthday withhim, Try and take the day off and go for a ride.  Well we had to go get the little cradle for baby Valerie. We drove to Quincy kinda a long way from home. A lady was sellig it on Facebook.
Well didnt get home for a while.
Off to the Barn around 2 or so. When I got there I could see Jess car, and Stacies too. So the Perrys were there. Seemed early to be feeding the horses but it had been threatening rain for awhile.
I went directly over to Duke, the door to my side of the barn was closed, strange I imagined that Stacie and a bunch of people were taking up space over there. I went right to get Duke.  Doc gave me a little bit of grief.  I took him aside, used the lead line to let him know that Im here for Duke.  I called him and Duke was a bit energetic and came running. I scooted Doc away and then was able to get Duke out the gate. he went right for the grass. The soild was so deep with water and thick mud.  Duke found a nice spot with green grass on the other side of teh game. I gave Doc a snack only after he listened and I was able to get Duke out of there.
As i was going to see if we could get to have Duke walk right away, he starts jumping, rearig and then back kicking. it was very strange.  Then I decide that he was gong to have to walk off his aggressive ness in the arena.
Arena juming
Grooming in his stall
Out in the ailse for a shampooing
After calming down out for a nice walk in the wind and some grazing out outsdie the barn.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Today was extremely wonderful. I went to go help out with the stalls and Bonnie told me they were already done by the girls. I was able to go over to Target and pick up something cute for Ashley to wear I got 2 dresses and a shirt.  Then over to Greenwood. It was totally empty.  We were alone all day.  I took him out of the paddock after I gave out the apples to him and then I walked up to Muke and gave  a big apple then back down to the muddy grass to get Duke out.  Doc acts like. a jerk so Im having some issues with him. I need to get him out of the way so I can take Duke out. I Brought all of the brushes out to the fence outside the paddock and then I tied Duke up so I could groom him outside. It was successful. He count help but munch away at the grass while I tried to get his mud off.  Then I brought him into the barn got the warm soapy water and my towels and sham wow.  I did his tail first then I washed him like a new car scrubbing him up and down making sure his but was cleaned after his tail was soaked and sudded. He cleaned up good then I scrapped him and we went out to graze in the sun.  The we went out for a walk.  Duke is amazing as he walks forward and when I cue him with a stop he backs up quickly and he really paid attention. Im so proud.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Ran over to the barno after work

So happy to see Duke. He was yellin at me through his windwo as I was parking. I had apples for everyone.  I brought bag full of treats too.  We worked out in the outside paddock He was better. Not as much crowding me. I had to work with him on that.
I brought him in for a clean up, brush out, tail treatment. Then in the a for some running back and forth. I was hoping he was going to roll. He just played around with the dirt in the agenda. He didnt roll but he walked by my side and we played the game where he has to listen and then stop when I said stop. I stayed with him for about 2 hours.